Monday, January 01, 2007


...will be warmer then 2006. I suspect there will be much more of the same stuff we saw in 2006, except less of Brittany Spears' vagina. Sweet Baby Jesus.

...should damn well see impeachment proceedings against the Fool on the Hill, who is starting to remind me of Nixon in the old joke: Ford; see no evil, Carter; hear no evil, Nixon; evil.

...will be the Peeper's fourth birthday! Yaay, Peep!

...will be another year in Iraq.

...will be another Republican lawyer quail season, so Deadeye Dick Cheney will have to check the bag limit. They're fairly easy to hit but real hard to clean...

...will be the Women's World Cup in China. Go, you US women!

...will be Mojo's 41st birthday - and my 50th.

...should be the year we hold our daughter Mei-mei for the first time.

May the coming year bring you and yours love, peace, happiness and goodwill.

1 comment:

  1. "May the coming year bring you and yours love, peace, happiness and goodwill." Thanks, Chief. Warm wishes to you and yours as well.
