Thursday, July 05, 2007

Pobaby sez: you got a receipt for that baby..?

One thing that is truly scarifying about international adoption is the very real worry about getting involved unknowingly in baby-selling and baby-napping. We're not worried that our little Baoxin was stolen or sold, but the possibility is there in many countries, with Guatemala in particular getting a bad name. In my sleepless quest to bring you all things Pobaby, here's another odd little Pobaby video that gives you an oddly comic view from China about getting "Babynapped!".
Note: surviving orphange officials in Hunan gave this thing "two manacled-thumbs down".
Update 7/6/07: My ever-preceptive colleague over at The Singing Bird caught something interesting in the linked Porro/Zorro/Pobaby "Babynapped" video: all the kidnapped babies are little boys (note the cute little boy bits very much in evidence - imagine that in an American cartoon, where everyone and everything since Bug Bunny has been as slick between the legs as Barbie and Ken)! Hmmm... I'm pulled all kinds of ways by this: are little Chinese girls not worth babynapping? Do only little Chinese boys get to have adventures? Is this a Chinese thing, or just concidence?
That's Pobaby: a riddle wrapped in an enigma inside a mystery.


  1. Holy crapola Batman. That's one odd little cartoon. I'm wondering why all the napped babies are boys? Or is this a send-up of domestic adoption/babyselling?

  2. Pobaby my hero.

    Did you notice the Olympics tune at the beginning?

  3. imagine that in an American cartoon, where everyone and everything since Bug Bunny has been as slick between the legs as Barbie and Ken...

    This comment reminds me of an academic paper that Mr. SBird once wrote about the illustrious Kokopelli...ancient fertility god of the puebloan culture(s), who often has a GIANT phallus pictured in rock art...Kokopelli is ubiquitous down here in the ornaments, desk doodads, wall "art," stationery, decals, dolls, and mouse name it, Sedona will sell it to you. But, of course, sans phallus. Wouldn't want the snowbirds returning to Wizzcahnson with a virile Indian gizmo. Nosireebob.
