Monday, August 06, 2007

Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys

I can't add much to what Glenn Greenwald has already said over at Salon about the Congressional Democrats' tripeless submission to the Bushies' demand for yet more extrajudicial authority to snoop, pry and poke into everybody and their brother's communications in the name of "fighting terror".
What I would want to ask Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid if I could haul them before the Fire Direction Center Seat of Justice (it's down the hall right next to the Occasional Table of Mercy) is why - why?!? - in the name of all that's sacred and profane they felt the need to hand this authority to The Decider and his sock-puppet-fist?

Was it because these two are so trustworthy? Because they're so well loved by the People they as well as these congressional "leaders" purport to serve?
Look, I understand the need to keep your political appeal to the mouthbreathers. And I know that Democrats have been consistently and violently slimed as "Defeatocrats" and "weak on terrorism" ever since Karl, Dick and Dubya figure out that this issue was a club and the Democratic Party an adorably helpless baby Harp Seal.
But for fuck's sake!
You're gonna get slimed anyway! You're fighting against a guy that is arguably the weakest, worst, least competent president since the one-two Franklin Pierce/James Buchanan back-to-back incompetence slam! What the hell is there to lose?
More to the point, why the hell are you treating this guy like he has any honor left? Like you could trust him with your civil rights, a couple of loose quarters or an open can of Steel Reserve? Time and again he's shown that he cares only for himself, his opinion, his "legacy" - which he interprets purely in the light of his own narcicisstic belief that if the President does it, it can't be wrong.
He's not just part of the problem with our nation and our government - for the most part he IS the problem. And by deferring to him, the people who should be our party of loyally principled opposition are being both disloyal and unprincipled.
Harry, Nance, this cat needs a moment with you.


  1. Yes, send in the cat! Send in the cat!

  2. Gotta wonder what Nance and Harry are smoking. Hear hear for sending the cat.

  3. Can you explain to me why Sen. Webb of Virginia also "caved" on this issue?

    I was more than a bit surprised that he did.
