Monday, October 29, 2007

Sunday Pictures

Well, I told you I'd have some pictures...!

I'm not quite as good at letting the pictures speak for theselves as some, but I'll try. This one does need a bit of explanation: it's Missy's crib in the back hall closet. Did I mention that some aspects of our child rearing are...ummm...well...kinda ghetto?
Fact: she sleeps in it just fine, and we get our house back. We are gonna have to do something to get her a room of her own...someday.
Where sleeping happens. Sometimes.

Missy the Wichita Lineman. These are the Peeper's beloved fireman boots.
Now there's a happy face.
The reason for this frowning...?

Part 1: Missy finds some of Sheadon's toys

Part 2: Sheadon finds Missy finding his toys.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
This get's really old really fast. Friday evening there was a LOT of frowning.

Shea the Builder
This is Daddy Sunday morning on the way to "the coffee store" (Starbucks), by Shea
Shea, by Daddy
The Peep took the camera in the car and shot off about six pictures of his little sister. This is number six, the one where she realizes that the paparazzi are just not going to leave her alone.

Cathedral Park, St. Johns
Little Missy sees The Gull. For the soundtrack, point and repeat over and over "Bird. Bird. That's a bird. Bird. Do you see the bird? Bird. That's a bird. OK, it's a gull. Bird."

Those damn paparazzi again. But this time she's ready for her close-up.

Mom and Peep are looking for skipping stones, while Little Missy is doing just fine sifting sand.

Ah! Found it! The motherlode!
See you Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Ghetto schmetto. If it's working, I'd say her crib is perfectly placed.

    It looks as if y'all had The Perfect Sunday. Thanks for posting the photos, Chief. Looking forward to seeing Halloween pics of your goblins - I bet The Peeper is so excited right about now...
