Sunday, October 14, 2007

When Night Comes

When night comes,
I am so flushed with wine,
I undo my hair slowly:
a plum calyx is
stuck on a damaged branch.
I wake dazed when smoke
breaks my spring sleep.
The dream distant,
so very distant;
and it is quiet, so very quiet.
The moon spins and spins.
The kingfisher blinds are drawn;
and yet I rub the injured bud,
and yet I twist in my fingers this fragrance,
and yet I possess these moments of time!

Li Ching Chao

No reason for this, really. I just like the poem. There has been very little time to possess these moments in time around here lately. And it's been anything but quiet, so very quiet.
But my little girl toddles and laughs, my little boy plays and spins, my beloved looks on and smiles and the world is full and rich with love.

1 comment:

  1. "But my little girl smiles and laughs, my little boy plays and spins, my beloved looks on and smiles and the world is full and rich with love."

    Having that imagery in my head fills my world, too....
