Have I mentioned that we loves us some Columbia Pool? Portland Parks & Rec does a great job providing the public with places to lark about and our local pool is a great example. The Peeper loves to go to the pool, for the pool itself almost as much as the ice cream machine in the lobby. His Mom and I have been CP visitors since he was an embryo - literally, since Mojo couldn't do much other exercising during her pregnancies - and so we enjoy accomodating the Peep's aquatic interests.
Mind you, we can't do laps anymore, not with a little guy who hasn't made it through "Goldfish" yet, but we still bob in the baby-pool side and play games in the water. BLM (Before-Little-Missy) one of us would tend the Peep while the other got their exercise in. Now we're both Slaves to Evolution. But we still enjoy the pool.
So....when our friend K came over to visit yesterday we HAD to convoy down to the pool for a bit of a splash.
The Peeper has a teensy bit of a crush on K - don't worry, Kelli, you're still his passion grande - and so he was delighted that she wanted to tow him around on the floatie and bounce around in the pool with him.
This boy takes to the water like a Labrador retriever, despite the fact that he doesn't swim. And now that he's almost 44" tall (one ritual we must repeat when we go to CP is the traditional "Measuring Of The Peeper" on the can-you-come-here-unaccompanied yardstick at the front door) the shallow end of CP isn't over his head anywhere, so he revels in his new big-boy capability to bounce everywhere in his portion of Waterworld.
Little Missy, fortunate, has also turned out to be a waterbaby, as her confident stride towards the vasty Deep shows. She and Mojo played a long time with this ball and the float, but she shows a hopeful tendency to float in a swimmingish sort of way. I'll feel better once they can both swim. But for now its enough that she loves to splash and play in the warm pool water.
And I enjoy the pool, too. It's fun playing with the kids and there's an added benefit just for the Daddy. It must be some sort of atavistic, protohuman hardwiring in the back of my brain, but I have always enjoyed Mojo's scent when she leaves the pool with the faint whiff of chlorine on her warm skin. I have no idea why this "works" for me, but you can keep your Chanel and your Obsession - give me HTH every time. Mmmmm.
In that first pic of Little Missy, she looks like a lifeguard, saying "You, out of the pool!"