Saturday, April 12, 2008

Radio Check

I'm still here.Just takng a little break - I billed 65 hours last week, the house is a disaster after Mojo had to spend the week single parenting and there was SO much to catch up on.

I do have some posts in my head: thoughts on a movie we watched the other night, a family update and one of those things I write about just because it fascinates me.

Oh, and I want to tell you a story about the Sinai.

So don't go away - I'll be back tomorrow with a couple of posts.

I did have a thought: I enjoy a lot of different things and I have a lot of ideas, some of them as current as a headline, others bits of useless old rubbish that I find fascinating but most of you could care less about. I also like to talk about my home and family, which is fun for me and may provide a a sort of "The Osbournes" entertainment for the rest of you. Ummm. I hope. far and away from the politico-military commentary I do. It sometimes seems a little jarring to me. How does it work for you?

Specifically, what would you think if I split the subjets on this blog: moved the political and military stuff over to, say, JD's blog "buggieboy" and kept Graphic Firing Table the way it's been - family, local interest, random things that interest me - only with 40% less politics?


  1. Probably a wise idea. Right now I have to check 3 different places to get the same content I had on the original Intel-Dump. This way I'd only have to check 2-1/2 places.

  2. Keep up the great commentary wherever you post it. Looking forward to the Sinai story.

    However, don't limit yourself to politics, military and family. Inquiring minds want to know when you are going to post on matters geological. Why not start a blog called the "Rock Hammer" or the "Borehole Survey" or some such. I guarantee you one reader.


  3. Mike - I like the idea of thowing out some geologic stuff. Dunno if I have enough for a blog of its own, but I would like to post some here.


  4. Geology would be cool too.

    Though I confess a predisposition to all things Dinosaur...sorry, the Jurassic park thingy, genetics, dino's romping kinda tickles the wishfulness in me.

  5. You can probably tell, from my lack of comments on the majority of political post, what my vote would be, though I do love seeing the photos of your Army days....

  6. Variety is the spice...

    I like it all in one place, but would follow wherever you decide to put it all...

  7. I can appreciate the appeal of the elegance of a single purpose.

    I also appreciate, as a reader, seeing people who are real, multi-faceted, able to be cutting in their analysis and yet goofy and fun in their other roles.

  8. "I also appreciate, as a reader, seeing people who are real, multi-faceted, able to be cutting in their analysis and yet goofy and fun in their other roles."

    That's kind of how I feel. Chief, as I ease myself into your blog, it's very gratified to learn just what a multi-faceted dude you are. And, as another guy who also tries not to be a one-trick pony—I'm big on environmental stuff, for example, and am of course a veteran of the child and house wars—I appreciate what you're doing here.

    It may make sense to you to to move your politico-military thoughts over to JD, but, regardless, I'll continue to check in here. I agree with the others: geology is cool.

    You've got a very nice blog. I envy you your ability to put it together. You're a good man, slick.
