Thursday, April 30, 2009

To Celebrate the Global War on Terror...

...and just because I'm stuck in front of the computer keyboarding and listening to this terrific live performance:Ain't got no speakers...

Ain't got no headphones...
Ain't got no records to play.

Yeah, I know, a LOT of the music from Teh Eighties sucked. But did these guys kick ass like crazy monkeys or what..?


  1. The Heads were the bomb, Chief!

    The 80's were great, only becoming questionable ca. '86. Then you had the advent of some real tripe, combined with a dilution and transformation of the former power genres (punk/psychobilly-rockabilly/New wave/rock. . .well, you know the story.)

  2. Love the Talking, nobody did dada music like those folks. Just Stop Making Sense already!

  3. Meghan,

    Do you really think it was dada? I think it made a lot of sense.
