And this clip from "Real Time" pretty much sums up how I feel about this country, this Administration and this moment in history right now. It's time to stop kidding ourselves; 30% of our "fellow Americans" are totally gonzo, batshit, rubber-room-dwelling crazy and to listen to their foam-flecked ranting is to make public policy based of the insane hallucinations of a piss-smelling wino who's cooked his brain with too much sterno.
We're supposed to be a democracy. Why not take the opportunity to start acting like one?
Otherwise we should have just gone ahead and elected "that old guy and Carrie's mom", forchrissakes.
ReplyDeleteI met a guy the other day that said that S. Palin was /is the only politician that he trusts and he will vote for her in 12.
I think we are swimming up stream or at least p---ing up a rope.
Maher seems to have a Bush sneer about him that i find unnerving.
I agree with Jim, Maher seems border-line Bush to me too.
ReplyDeleteDivorced from the generally sanctimonious Maher, there's no doubt his words resonate far and wide among the Democrats outside the "Beltway Bubble."
Then again, what he said about fighting for the people who elected them is as true today as it was in the 1990s! The Dem party has long signed up with (or co-opted by?) the money and elite interests (stress moneyed), much of whom have no interest in looking out for the little guys -- and in the process, left the real base of the party (working men and women) in the cold.
Is it any wonder there is anger, hatred and despair out there? Any wonder seemingly smart, stable and thoughtful citizens will now follow a dolt like Palin without question??
Maher taps into part of the WHY (lack of fight)... yep he misses the true reason (failure to care for the citizens).
I think that the difference between the Bush sneer and the Maher sneer is that Maher's is earned. It's like somebody who knows his sh*t and can do the job being contemptuous, vs. somebody who doesn't know sh*t, and screws off on the job.
ReplyDeleteI think that the difference between the Bush sneer and the Maher sneer is that Maher's is earned. It's like somebody who knows his sh*t and can do the job being contemptuous, vs. somebody who doesn't know sh*t, and screws off on the job.