Thursday, April 08, 2010

Rocket Man

Let's face it: Kyrgyzstan has it cooled out when it comes to keeping and bearing arms.This dude was just doing a little urban defense as part of the latest revolution in Bishkek.

My favorite part of the image? The little urban geek tummy pack. For when you don't want to leave the iPod, American Spirits and little roll of detcord back at the crib 'cause you KNOW your bros will boost the fuckers. Maybe the riot shield and antitank rocket will get you a little harmonious bro-i-tude now...


(h/t to Unleashing Chiang - crossposted to MilPub)


  1. I think I'd have the same swagger, given that I was carrying an RPG. Ain't nothing gonna hold ME down!

  2. This might even intimidate Sounders fans. Hmmm...
