Friday, July 09, 2010

Friday Jukebox: "Hey, Omar? What the fuck is Arabic for "tralala"?" edition

Love this little video.
One of the great privileges of serving with GIs is being part of the unique, off-center humor the guys share. I spent some time with a whole bunch of guys just like these troopers of the HHC, 1 BN, 21st INF, 25th ID, and have been grateful for it ever since.

Tralala, Gimlets. You rock.


  1. This reminds me of a video some British troops in the sandbox put together a few years ago It's good to see a sense of humor while doing a crappy job.

  2. Yeah, it is nice to see these guys' humor. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Big Daddy,

    Thank you -- that was adorable, too.

    I'd take any of those chaps any day :)
