Friday, September 02, 2011

Save the date

Barbie and Ken's wedding album.Perfect.

Worth a moment or two to enjoy the absurdity.And, Jesus, Ken, what? You can't wait for the wedding night at the Dream House? The least you could do is keep your hand off the poor woman's ass in public. You horndog; if I didn't know you weren't anatomically correct...

(h/t to Glamour mag for the sense of humor...)


  1. And what about "Allen"?

    Methinks Ken doth protest too much ...

  2. I agree, Lisa; overcompensating for something. Maybe having the house in Malibu and all those clothes just isn't...enough...

  3. I wonder about those couples who must demonstrate their "love" via overt public gestures(hanging on each other and other PDAs.)

    I'm not sure if Ken is overtaken by lust, or just trying to prove that Allen's only a "friend" :)
