Tuesday, December 20, 2011

License to Il

What IS it about these juche videos?They're like candy; you just can't resist putting them to goofy pop music and dancing around the unheated hovel as you slowly starve to death.

I wonder what the ghosts of the hard men who died for Granddaddy Kim Il Sung in the freezing mountains of 1951 think about the ascent of the third Kim to the Throne of the Hermit Kingdom? From red revolution to hereditary monarchy in three generations?

God, what ridiculous monkeys we humans are.


  1. "ridiculous monkeys", indeed.

    In discarding the monkey and substituting man, our Father in Heaven did the monkey an undeserved injustice--Twain

  2. Note that the barons demand a hereditary monarchy. Otherwise, one of them would be put into an advantage over the others and that way lies civil war.

    The same dynamic goes for tin-pot dictators. The only figure the hard men can agree on is the bosses kid.

  3. The same dynamic goes for tin-pot dictators. The only figure the hard men can agree on is the bosses kid.

    And "bingo!", Ael nails the Roman Empire.

    Until the "hard men" discovered they could sell the top spot and get a once-in-a-lifetime bonus.

    Maybe that's my mind at the present, but the song and the image of ranks of women marching in step with all those phallic images from weapons and machinery reminded me of the Parker and Stone movie "Team America". Anybody else seen it?


  4. That was a great film Basil, it's hard to look at Kim Il Jong and not think "I'm so ronrey".

    I truly wonder what'll happen now, I suspect more of the same. China doesn't want the North to collapse and flood it's border with millions of refugees nor does it want another US friendly regime. Probably try to shape the country into a tame buffer state.

  5. bb - "Until the "hard men" discovered they could sell the top spot and get a once-in-a-lifetime bonus."

    Don't forget, Basil, that's the lifetime of the Emperor. Average life expectancy for an Emp during the Roman period is 5 years.

    One of my favorite Emperors made all of the right promises and then reneged, figuring that the people would protect him because he wouldn't need to raise taxes to pay the bribes. As you've already guessed the Army reneged on their promises. The new Emperor was crowned 3 days later and had to pay the bribes in advance.

    Leon's guesses are reasonable but Kim didn't figure on dying quite so soon and the balance isn't set in stone.

  6. America! Fuck Yeah!

    The funny thing is, basil, that I have a couple of wingnut acquaintences who looooved that film because it skewered liberals - without for a moment seeing that it made them and their bumper-sticker patriotism look like fools, too...

    And I think the difference between Rome and Korea is that the Praetorian Guard had its own power base independent of the imperial throne; ol' Kim was smart enough to know that letting his Army do that would put his throne in jeopardy. Hence the cult of personality - the only legitimacy the DPRK nobility has is through the Kims. The big test (I think) was when Jung Il succeeded his daddy; he was widely considered sort of a flake. At this point I think you could adopt a monkey into the Kim family and get it a spot at the top in NK - the dynasty is the only thing holding that nasty ramshackle little fiefdom together.
