Friday, February 10, 2012


I honestly thought that I wouldn't have time to do any more doodling today.

For good or ill, I did.In case it's not clear, the bald guy with the smoke coming out of his ears in the immediate right center is me, realizing that I am going to have to sit through 10 hours of what I've just sat through 30 hours of...

And I should add that I had enough time to begin another sheet; it wasn't worth the keeping. I hope you've enjoyed these silly diversions. I have a lurking dread that I've betrayed parts of my subconscious that probably should have stayed hidden below layers and layers of civility. But what's drawn is drawn...


  1. Dang Chief, I thought all of these pics were from your infantry days. Only just realized today that the last three were recently made. Nice stuff, keep 'em coming. Again, why are you not writing your own book? You can even do your own illustrations, think about it, you can draw two salaries now!

    Though it does show I'm not the sharpest golf club in the bag.

  2. The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on

    If I were to do a down-and-dirty analysis, I would say we have a fully-integrated personality, with balanced yin-and-yang features. Oh, and a full-on, multi-culti patriot :)

  3. Lisa: Yeah, I noticed after the fact all the stars-and-stripes imagery. Hmmm... I did like the complexity of this one, and whatever Anubis is saying to me. My guess is either salacious or scornful. Not sure which.

    Leon: I do have a fair it of older stuff, and my style hasn't really changed much over the years...

    But in all honesty, the problem with drawing/writing for a living is that - as Alan Moore could tell you - it's a hell of a hard living. I don't know if I have the balls to try it. Maybe after I retire...

    And the other problem is that, just as with blogging, I have trouble making myself sit down and draw and write. The spirit bloweth where it listeth, and that is a problem when the mortgage listeth as regular as clockwork every month...

  4. I see a Zeppelin, have you been reading steampunk lately?

  5. BD: Not really, I've always been a sort of airship freak. They just seem sort of dangerously cool to me, and I love the idea of this massive thing floating along nearly silently, like a cloud only with several tons of bombs inside.

    Mind you, I would have tied myself to the ground rather than been aircrew on one. Apparently the British pretty much figured them out by 1916, and while not as lethal as being U-boat crew crewing one of the L-craft was pretty chancy...
