Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

But Mary kept all these things,
and pondered them in her heart.
(Luke 2:19)
Silence in the night, no mate, no
skin touching skin. She is alone

and yet her heart sparks to learn
what she has learned. The truth

has wings. It arrives on a morning
when she is busy with morning

things. She is not expecting
to lose herself to the wind of what

is coming. It comes and she falls
to the ponderous weight of change,

which strikes her soul wide open,
which is how the light gets in.

~ Linda Dove

On the God's putative birthday from my godless heart to all of you, my friends, spread out across not just my country but the world; may this day that is supposed to be about the advent of love and peace find you at peace, with those you love around you. May you find at least one day of tranquility, of silence amid the noise and haste, of lovingkindness, of hope, of joy.

May you feel the vibration of the bells of Christmas Day passing though you like the motions of the spheres.


  1. I have just read these wonderful lines after declaring to a friend that I eventually gain perspicacity, tho' sometimes it is slow-going:

    which strikes her soul wide open,
    which is how the light gets in.

    That's it, really -- through a crack, a fissure, a hard knock, and then the light has a portal, both in and out (if we are lucky).

    I wish you and your family many blessings. Thank you for sharing your passion here @ GFT.


  2. Isn't this a wonderful poem, Lisa? The poet is a friend whose second volume of poetry O Dear Deer won the 2011 Eudaimonia Chapbook Prize.

    Hope you had a wonderful day.

  3. Yes, it is nice.

    I have enjoyed being in a different environs this holiday.
