Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Quantity over Quality

Just wanted to note that 2012 - as generally-sort-of-shitty a year as it was otherwise - was a tremendously productive year for Graphic Firing Table.

The 277 posts I hammered out between 1 JAN and 31 DEC 2012 were second only to my Big Year of 2008, when I managed almost a post a day. While for the "real" lefty blogs like Digby or LGM that's the base from which they presume to rise for a little hobby-blog like mine, well, let's just say that when I was looking at things in late summer I was more than a little discouraged. I was starting to think that I'd lost the whole blogging mojo and should take up cross-stitch or adult dodgeball or something.

But I have to brag that I think I finished off the year with a shout, and I'm looking forward to a productive and chattery January.

As always - feel free to bend my ear and suggest topics for discussion. Anything outside of a dog is my best friend and I will try and take a whack at it. Inside of a dog, as you know, it's too dark to read.

Thanks for coming along for the ride, and welcome to 2013.


  1. Keep hammering, Chief! I stroll by every day, do not comment as much as I should, but will try to do better in '13.

  2. Bravo! Please keep up your excellent writing, and allow your mind free rein; I'm sure whatever takes your fancy shall delight us, your fans.

    Challenge us; sometimes take us down obscure pathways of thought, should it be a bitter dark night with the wind blowing ... But really, just carry on in your own inimitable way :)

  3. Keep at it Chief. That's an impressive work rate, and I can barely find time to post once a month!

    I don't want to suggest any particular topics, just keep to you diverse set of thoughts. Writing just for others can be a straightjacket, an obligation.

  4. Knowing your trials and tribulations with your local soccer/football team, I thought of you when I watched this skit:
