Friday, June 28, 2013

Gonna be some kebab tonight, baby..!

Now that I have the requisite spices; made a stop at the little halal store on the way back to the shop yesterday.

My only quandry is the meat.

I loves me some lamb; somewhere buried deep in the bland Scots-English-French whiteboyishness that is my ancestry must be some Persian war-bride carried off by my Scottish mercenary great-great-great. A savory garlic-and-rosemary leg of lamb with spring potatoes and mushy peas? Roll me off to bed now, Sammy, I'm all good.

But the rest of the Family are lambophobes. My Bride will at least try the critter if I disguise it well enough; Bombay Curry, for example, or some sort of "made" dish where the spices and flavorings and sauces cover the essential lamby-ness of the meat. But the fractious Youth? Not a chance. It's a hot-dog-and-hamburger crowd down there below the salt. Any chance of getting them to eat these kebabs would be based on pure deception; I would have to swear that the original owner of the kebab mooed before becoming our dinner guest...

So while I yearn for some savory kufta kebab I'm pretty sure that I would be dining alone. But the beefyness of ground beef just doesn't seem to have the right flavor. Perhaps the chef's suggestion at the link, of a mix of fatty beef and lamb? Add in something even blander, like ground turkey? Hmmm.

Mmmm...I'm getting hungry just thinking about the savory deliciousness and it's only 11 in the morning...


  1. hi Chief

    pick up a lamb gyro sometime and get them to try a bite. I told my 11-year-old that it's a Greek hamburger and that seemed to do the trick. He's still not as crazy about lamb or mutton as I am but it did work for a taste and an "it's okay" verdict.

    and a Gaelic-speaking ancestry probably accounts for a taste for wooly beast -- it's a menu staple in Ireland and Scotland.

  2. I'm hoping to harvest my own sumac off my bush/tree this fall...last year, just as it looked ready, we had a drenching rain and that was the end of THAT.

    Sumac is also delicious sprinkled on thin, thin slices of sweet onions as a salad item.

  3. Oh, we LOVE lamb here -- prepared any way. I hope it turned out great (since you were preparing it, I'm sure it did:))

  4. p.s. -- of course your love of lamb could come honestly from your Scots-Irish background, and a good mutton, no?
