Thursday, October 17, 2013

Oregon Asshole Award (October 2013): Greg Walden

He was a worthless little glob of douche-drippings back in January when he was on record meeching and gibbering about the now-legendary platinum coin.

And he's still a niddering puddle of enema-backwash who joined with "the terrorists" who voted to shoot the hostages and tank the U.S. economy.

So here's to you, Greg Walden, you acephalic congeries of ditch-scrapings and gorilla-scrotum sweat; you're the first double-winner of the un-coveted Oregon Asshole Award in GFT history.

I still wouldn't spit on you because I respect my own spit more than that.


  1. I think you're hedging Chief. Tell us what you really think of him.

  2. I wish I could. I cannot find invective raw enough to express the contempt I feel for this prancing little Daddy's Boy the fucking rubes out beyond the end of the MAX line have inflicted on my state. He truly is the boil on the chancre on the wart on the ass of Oregon. A lingering painful death of some sort of incredibly agonizing cancer would be too merciful for him.

  3. Related random factoid, the Wednesday edition of the Portland fishwrapper had a map showing Oregon counties by with the percentage of the population receiving foodstamps. Interestingly food stamp usage is pretty high in those Republican voting counties. I wonder why these people keep voting to cut their own throats?
    Would help if you pinned his face to a dart board like we used to do with Nixon?
