Thursday, January 23, 2014

Black (Rat) Sails!

This story is entirely composed of 100% awesome:
A ghost ship carrying nothing but disease-ridden cannibal rats could be about to make land on Britain’s shore, experts have warned. The Lyubov Orlova cruise liner has been drifting across the north Atlantic for the better part of a year, and salvage hunters say there is a strong chance it is heading this way. Pim de Rhoodes, a Belgian salvage hunter who is among a number looking for the Lyubov Orlova off the UK coastline, told The Sun: “She is floating around out there somewhere. “There will be a lot of rats and they eat each other. If I get aboard I'll have to lace everywhere with poison.”
Oh my fucking God; if nobody else is going to make this movie I will personally sell all my worldly possessions to ensure the story is immortalized on film.

I mean, can you just picture the scene where the horde of verminous, cannibal zombie rats come swarming ashore in Leith like some sort of horrible rodent D-Day?

It's just too perfect.


  1. Ooo, those fluffy rats are so cute!

  2. Drop Samuel L. Jackson on that hulk. Problem solved.

  3. Cute...but DEADLY!

    And the movie version of this HAS to star Sam L. as the Belgian salvage commando dude and Linnea Quigley as Julie, your Cannibal Rat Cruise Director.
