Friday, January 31, 2014

Today In the History of Bad Ideas...'s one I never thought about.

I mean, the headline kinda writes itself, doesn't it?

"Two killed, three injured in nude hot tub waterfall plunge"

And, of course, the now-traditional phrase whenever this sort of fucking Darwin-award idiocy is reported:

"Investigators suspect alcohol was involved."



  1. Those are great!

    I gotta get me one.

  2. I'd keep it tied to the dock.

  3. Interesting side-story. In my former profession, I once had a chance to interact with someone from the OPP (equivalent to a state trooper). He often did water patrol up in cottage country up north (which has a bajillion small lakes).

    He mentioned that it was almost never the young(er) people who he caught drinking and boating, but almost always the older crowd that'd he catch. Quite counter-intuitive, but I guess that adv would be less catchy with a crowd of AARP'ers in bikinis...

  4. In Canada, the mountain lakes are beautiful but cold (especially in the spring or fall).

    I could earn serious karma by putt putting over to various neighbor's cabins when they had guests over.

  5. My wife just saw the picture and immediately wanted to try one, although did she did say "as long as no alcohol is involved".

  6. Your wife would; she is as adventurous as a wild thing and as sensuous as a voluptuary. But she is also as wise as a rebbe and thus wouldn't think of piloting this silly thing with a snootfull...
