Sunday, February 10, 2019

Winter garden (冬 庭園)

いざ行かむ 雪見にころぶ 所まで
"Let’s go out
To see the snow view
Where we slip and fall"

Since we didn't get the February Snowpocalypse we anticipated, I took advantage of the sunny midday and went to the Japanese Garden.

初雪や 聖小僧が 笈の色
"The first snow
That the young Hijiri-monk has
The color of the wooden box"

The color of the wooden box perched on the bamboo post isn't a Hijiri-monk, but a common Northwest forest thrush. But perhaps since it's a Hermit Thrush it is monastic enough.

市人よ 此笠うらふ 雪の傘
"Hey, townspeople,
I’ll sell you my woven hat,
The snow umbrella"

初雪や いつ大仏の 柱立
"The first snow,
When is the pillar set up
For the Great Buddha?"

箱根こす 人も有らし 今朝の雪
"Some people
Would cross the Hakone Pass
Even though the moaning snow"

All of the poems are by Bashō Matsuo (松尾 芭蕉), as they were the last time we visited the Garden.

1 comment:

  1. We got some snow last night and during the day, not enough to amount to anything so picturesque.
    Which is unfortunate since our wheat needs some snow cover for protection against the bitter(ish) cold temperatures we got now.
    But you have good pix here and it seems a good poet

