Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Poem for the Plague Year

Ah ! ce que j'entends, serait-ce la bise nocturne qui glapit,
ou le pendu qui pousse un soupir sur la fourche patibulaire ?

Serait-ce quelque grillon qui chante tapi dans la mousse
et le lierre stérile dont par pitié se chausse le bois ?

Serait-ce quelque mouche en chasse sonnant du cor
autour de ces oreilles sourdes à la fanfare des hallali ?

Serait-ce quelque escarbot qui cueille en son vol inégal
un cheveu sanglant à son crâne chauve ?

Ou bien serait-ce quelque araignée qui brode une demi-aune
de mousseline pour cravate à ce col étranglé ?

C'est la cloche qui tinte aux murs d'une ville sous l'horizon,
et la carcasse d'un pendu que rougit le soleil couchant.

~ Aloysus Bertrand, Le Gibet

Ah! that which I hear, was it the nocturne of the wind,
or the hanged one who utters a sigh on the fork of the gibbet?

Was it some cricket who sings lurking in the moss and the sterile ivy,
which out of pity covers the floor of the forest?

Was it some fly in chase sounding the horn
around those ears deaf to the fanfare of the halloos?

Was it some scarab beetle who gathers in his uneven flight
a bloody hair from his bald skull?

Or was it then some spider who embroiders a half-measure
of muslin for a tie on this strangled neck?

It is the bell that tolls from the walls of a city, under the horizon,
and the corpse of the hanged one that is reddened by the setting sun.


  1. Nice use of tarot card! Weird tho...it is usually number TWELVE? Someone is re-numbering major arcana cards?

    Good poem, too. We are older than you and I have to say I feel like nobody gives two damns about whether we live or not. Good thing we are self isolating, because if some whippersnapper dared to say "Boomer Remover" in my hearing range, I'd be in jail for assault.

  2. This is from deviantart, and I liked it for the atypical style of the Hanged Man image, but I'm not sure if the artist meant to renumber the card or had some different meaning for the numbering...that's what I get for not knowing my Tarot.

    And, trust me, there's more than enough murderously-angering shit out there that this plague has exposed. Some asshole named Amy Harmon had a piece in the NYT where she basically whined that all the hooooorrible "social distancing" meant that she couldn't go out for tapas and, really, who gives a fuck if some people die, everybody's gonna die someday, why not now?

    And as I wrote in the most recent post - the Feds' "response" to this has been up-against-the-wall-motherfucker actionable. Nobody who should be - not FEMA, not the armed forces, nobody - has been stood up to start dealing with this, but there's money to be tossed at Wall Street and Granny to be tossed off Social Security with a payroll tax cut.

    These Trumpkins can all fuck off to Hell.

  3. Oh, you are preaching to the already-screamed-herself-hoarse-choir here. And now that His Feculence has deemed himself a commander in chief at war.....oh, la, what times we are in for now.

    I swear, before this is done, I shall want Scotch for breakfast. Hey, it should go with the Scotch oats, what?
