Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Director of National Stupidity

Per Pierce:
"On Monday, Richard Grenell, acting director of the Office of National Intelligence and the U.S. ambassador to Germany, posted a photo of the Bill of Rights on Instagram with a title “Signed Permission Slip to Leave Your House.” Below the post, in the caption, Grenell wrote “Love this!” A reporter tweeted the post after its publishing saying: “Seems the top US intelligence chief ADNI ⁦@RichardGrenell⁩ isn’t a fan of the stay at home orders.” Grenell responded: “‘Seems’ Grenell is a fan of the Constitution to me.”

No. No. No. No. No. Fucking no.

Just no.

Neither the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights constitute a "permission slip" for you to scream "FIRE!" in a crowded theater, or bear nuclear arms, you goddamn stupid fucking chucklefuck.

You don't get to use your "right" to endanger me.

That's why your Ferrari has to follow the speed limit and you can't just bust a cap into the air anytime you want to.

Jesus Fucking Christ. And you're the fucking DNI?


Based on this I'm betting you don't have the actual intelligence to open a jar of mayonnaise unaided, you fucking idiot. This isn't abortion or gun-grabbing or liberalism where you can show up and stand around in a bunch waving your metal dicks at, you numbskull. It's a fucking disease that kills people, you dope, and you get it from other people like...umm...numbskulls standing around in a bunch waving their metal dicks.

It's not so much that I'm furious that I'm being ruled by greedy, careless, plutocratic, God-pestering sonsofbitches.

I am.

But it's the fucking stupid that really chaps my ass.
Ceterum autem censeo GOPinem esse delendam.

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