Wednesday, April 29, 2020

New GOP campaign slogan: "Your money or your life"

The COVID canary just dropped off it's perch in Iowa:
"Iowa Workforce Development said Monday that failing to return to work out of fear of catching the virus will be considered a voluntary quit, which disqualifies workers from receiving unemployment benefits.

The department urged employers to report workers who don’t return to their jobs for a good reason “as soon as possible.” It warned that the federal law providing an additional $600 weekly in benefits contains “serious consequences” for fraudulent claims.

Workers who do not return can collect benefits only under certain circumstances, such as being sick due to the virus or living with an infected family member."
I told you this was coming.

I fucking told you.

These people have absolutely NO interest in the lives of you worthless proles. You're an "economic unit", and if you value that worthless life more than the value of their 401K? Heh. Too bad for you, dead man.

We really are ruled by the worse among us.

And that's because far too many of us ARE the worst among us. They will revel in this, and cheer as the bodies pile up. They'll glory in "taking the punch".

They are a death cult.
And if we cannot stop them. If we cannot destroy them this November they will destroy us all.

1 comment:

  1. Yup and the Kentucky turtle senator is demanding liability exemption laws so you can't sue your employer when they force you back to work and you (inevitably) get sick.
