The past several weeks have put me in strong mind of the images recently coming out of the coast of the Levant.
Because here I sit, quiet in the gray light of earliest morning, with my coffee and my hands lit by the phosphor-brightness before me untroubled by more than the usual reminders that my body has been here for sixty-two years and I have not treated it kindly.
My family are all still, wait; I do have another early waker, the Big Cat, Drachma. He's our sniper-scout, authorized to roam the AO without specific direction, and he takes advantage of that with characteristic feline ruthlessness. His junior partner, little Nine, has too many physical issues for me to feel comfortable with that; she has to be "walked" during her much-demanded expeditions outdoors.
Here they are together on the east deck:
You'll notice the craftily-synchronized tail-wagging. I'm informed that is likely to be proposed as a demonstration sport for the 2021 Olympics, assuming that my country is even capable by next summer of sending representatives.
Sorry. Got sidetracked by cats again. Damn critters, they're like that. point is that the Fire Direction Center is a quiet place.
My kids are poised to return to Virtual School in less than a month - Portland Public has decreed online-only until the new year - which as a former teacher and parent I find appalling but as a sixty-two-year-old highly unexcited about the possibility of one of my progeny returning from school with a massive viral load of the novel coronavirus am kinda fine with.
My Bride, likewise, is preparing to return to her job as Miss Debra, School Secretary (which, by the way, isn't nearly as fun as it might have been fifteen years ago. I'm not saying we've reached the post-roleplay stage of our sexual lives, but we have gotten to the point where "too much like work" is a genuine factor. Sorry if that's TMI, but, there you have it...) and seems to be willing to be cautious about it.
My job, while incorporating entirely too much boring grunt-level dirt-nanny bullshit work, is still here. My outfit seems to be managing to hang on to clients, and we haven't been seeing - at least, not yet - the shutdown or suspension of backlog work.
And I'm...okay. Getting out to do some of the things I enjoy, diverted by the return of Portland soccer, reading a crap-ton, exercising, trying to stay as healthy and mentally and emotionally sound as I can; this is from a recent nautical adventure on Columbia Slough, with the Bride as Pirate Queen.
The only personal drawback is my physician has ordered me to cut back to less than a single beer or dram a day and no more than four or five a week! - and that's cruel hard for someone who likes the drink taken as much as I do.
I find I've resorted to finding bizarre beverages to sample in hopes that a single draft will be enough.
And, yeah, this one surely was. Ugh.
So from the promontory where I stand? Yeah, things are well enough.
And, yet, when I look beyond that, it's more like this:
The Senate Republicans and the White House - that is, the "governing" pieces of the GOP, if you can call governing what they do - have given up trying to keep to the inside of the fog lines and simply let the nation, the public, and the economy drive off a goddamn cliff.
There's no urgency. There's no plan. Except "it is what it is". At least the House Democratic caucus proposed something, a legitimately-WW2-level response to what is an extinction-level epidemiological event. The fucking GOP?
Nothing. Let them die, God will recognize his own. Apparently that's all we're gonna get from the Pary of Personal Responsibility.
The states and cities budgets are going to crater. The death toll is going to keep rocketing up. People - most people, I can't speak for MAGAts - aren't stupid enough to dice with Death if they don't have to; they're not going to flock into IKEA and Cracker Barrel and Spencer Gifts (are there any "Spencer Gifts" left anymore, outside zombie enclosed shopping malls..?) so restaurants and bars and little shops and businesses are going to collapse.
One of my favorite little soccer bars, the Toffee Club down on Hawthorne, tried to reopen under the "Phase 1" rules back in late June. Much as I enjoy sharing a pint and a match I had no interest in going maskless to share recycled air with random strangers in the Plague Year. I didn't go, lots of people didn't go...and so now they're closing again.
That's...very saddening.
And pointless. Utterly uneeded. For a tiny fraction of the money that went to Amazon and Yeezy and Untuckit this little bar could have kept playing until we have a vaccine or effective treatments, another year or two.
But, no.
And I won't even bother to discuss the baboon-assed jackanapes in the Oval Office. We all know that he's useless in this pandemic as a tampon in a typhoon, except to spread lies and bullshit and disinformation and propaganda for his BFF Vladimir. Oh, and golf. That may be his most egregious personal wrong; he's taken a game my father the Master Chief loved and was damn good at, a game I sort-of appreciated, and made me utterly loathe because of his ties to it.
So here I sit, watching, appalled, as roughly four of ten of my supposed-countrymen roar and bay and lust for this bloated fool, for this ridiculous abdication of responsibility and sanity, and while they do the supposed free press refuse to put their thumbs on these people - both the MAGAts and their tin gods, the Cottons and Mnuchins and McConnells and, of course, Il Douche - for that insanity and irresponsibility and stupidity. than, what?
Sure as hell, yes I'm going to campaign and vote against every one of these sonsofbitches. Starting right here in Portland, where the combination of a worthless Police Bureau and the worthless Mayor who's humping them, need to go
But I live in safely Blue Portland. There's nothing I can to to stop the chucklefucks in Cornhole, Texas and SisterWife, Tennessee (with the help of Trump's people and the GRU...) from inflicting this lunatic graft and corruption and plutocracy and stupidity on me and my family and my Blue Portland for another interminable four years.
It's maddening. It helps me understand rebellions and the construction of guillotines; when the rulers and their partisans show they don't care if you live or die, well...then it becomes you or me, jack, and I'm gonna make sure it's you if I can.
But...all I have is a vote, and a voice, and a keyboard.
(And, if it comes to that, an old bolt-action rifle, one magazine, and 120 rounds of ammunition, so let's hope it doesn't come to that.)
And that's arrayed against millions of moronic MAGAts. Fox "News". Page after page of bothsider Quisling press. The fucking GRU! The weight of the Executive Branch, the Senate, and the Supreme Court.
Even if Trump loses in November - and even if he concedes without him and his MAGAts picking an actual physical fight, which I am thoroughly unsure they won't - all those other noxious weeds will remain, determined to choke with religion and racism and oligarchy what I had thought were the growing trunks of the Trees of Liberty; secular science, equity, comity, equal justice under law.
Much of the time I feel like Smokey the Bear, clinging to my smouldering and shuddering Cascadia douglas-fir, alone at the top of the ridge, whilst all around me all the forests in the nation are burning to the ground.
What I don't understand is why the GOP is so dead set against spending money
ReplyDeleteon their voters. Even if it means giving money to those democratic voters as well.
I mean, it seems suicidal given the election in less than 3 months.
Look at Marquita Bradshaw who won the Democrat primary spending less than $10k dollars
compared to the corporate democrat candidate that raised over $2 million.
He didn't even come in *second*.
The voters are white-hot angry and the GOP is running a corporate donor suit.
I agree that the GOP politicians are locked in to a
ReplyDeletepro-corporate, pro-war, pro-rich trickle down mindset
that allows them to ignore the real problems of the
American people at large.
However, where we fundamentally disagree is that
40% of the electorate are mentally defective.
In a population of hundreds of millions, taking out
60% will still leave more than
enough people to be not monolithic.
The mathematics of diversity demands it.
This suggests that voters in that 40% will be
using the same mixture of thought,
emotion and group think that the other 60% do.
An example of this is the "womens vote".
For a while it was thought that women might operate as a
"voting block" and sway electoral outcomes. It turns
out that there is as much diversity in women
as there is in the men and that they don't
all decide the same way.
This is why I perceive much of Trumps supporters
are so angry that they would vote for such a flawed politician
rather than a "business as usual" GOP or Democrat politician.
Well, BOTH parties are largely dominated by well-heeled donors. The big difference is that the GOP has wholly gone over to the Gilded Age ideology. The Left still flickers in the Democratic Party - that's the Sanders/Warren faction. But the GOP is ruled by those plutocrats, and they set the agenda.
ReplyDeleteThat're right, that the roughly 4 out of 10 Americans who reflexively vote Republican aren't mentally defective.
Well...not in the traditional "RETARD!" sense, as we used to call it when I was in grade school.
But - outside the plutocrats and their remoras, the Base's defects are not mental but observational and ideological.
They've bought into the GOP's tale about how the "problem" is drag queen story hour and Mexican rapists with calves like cantaloupes. They blame gays for moral problems and Blacks for crime problems and the poor for, well, everything.
THAT's who and what they're "angry" about, and that's functionally no different from being mentally defective.
When you blame the poor person or the immigrant for losing the job your rich boss shipped overseas?
You're a fucking idiot.
When you blame some trans kid for...well, who the fuck knows? But the bible-bangers blame them for something and everything, and if you do that you're a fucking idiot.
When you blame "the government" for shoveling money at war toys but you vote for someone who talks about "fighting them there so we don't fight them here!" like the ISIS Navy is going to appear off Sand Diego?
You're a fucking idiot.
And so the GOP - knowing hw unpopular it's actual political agenda of Gilded Age plutocrat-fluffing is - has used the Mighty FOX Wurlitzer (and Rushbo and Carlson and Ingraham and Coulter and all the OTHER little Rushbos...) to assemble a coalition of people who are all screaming at the wrong buildings;
- Jesus freaks terrified that someone, somewhere, doesn't LURVE JESUS,
- gun nuts who are panicked that they can't buy thair twelfth AR-15 knockoff,
- assholes in general who hate the idea that preventing the return of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum means they won't have cheap burgers and big trucks and huge lawns in the 'burbs, and
- racists
So I repeat; it's not that these chucklefucks aren't "angry". They are...but they're angry at the wrong people and the wrong things.
They want the magical fairyland they think they "had" before the Real World bitchslapped them. They want their religion to be the law of the land. They want the Blacks to Shut Up and Go Away. They want Good Jobs...but don't understand that their Boss doesn't want to pay them for that work if that Boss can get it done cheaper they blame the kid from Michoacan who is willing to do it for slave wages.
So it doesn't really matter whether they're actually brain damaged or not. They act - and VOTE - like they were. They've been given multiple chances to change, and they've refused. They - as Obama told us - cling to their God and their guns and their whiteness.
And I honestly have no idea what to do about that. Sanders offered them solutions to everything you claim they're angry about...and they ignired him in droves.
So I have NO idea why you think this is solveable. Forty percent is too massive a chunk of population for a republic to digest if that chunk would rather burn it down that accept drag queen story hour. And, yes, it's just that stupid; a nation which featured all the things they hate wouldn't make their fundamental lives "worse". They might have to give up some toys, like homophobia in their business, or their F350 pickup, or all those AR-15s.
But in the place they'd get fewer hurricanes, better paychecks and medical treatment, and a cleaner, stronger, better nation.
But they don't want that. And - as we've seen with the Plague - they're happy to kill us and themselves rather than accept it.