Monday, October 19, 2020

What happens when life intervenes

 What happens is that you're shanghai'ed into a panic-level dam reconstruction project...

(True fact; you can actually build a 40-foot high mine tailing impoundment dam and nobody will notice. Until comes the day when the MSHA inspector retires and the new kid comes in and happens to glance over, as he's walking past the processing plant, at the ginormous fucking un-permitted, un-engineered earth dam which - as it just so happens - is piping and shedding materials off the insanely-oversteepened sideslopes.

Needless to say, one he'd stopped hyperventilating and screaming the MSHA dude called the subagency of FEMA that inspects and certifies dams, and, something that will unsurprise all of you, that organization shut down the operation most quick smart.

Now the owners are buttressing the thing in hopes of reopening their mine pit.)

...and you end up slammed and working 14- to 16-hour days.


I'll try and post something here before the end of the week; this thing wraps Wednesday, and not a moment too soon.



  1. Sounds like the regulatory system (eventually) worked.
    Hope the new inspector doesn't get punished for doing his job.
    (and perhaps saving a few lives).

  2. zowee. hang tough ! lucky you !
