Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Dancing into the minefield

 Half a million.


More Americans dead from COVID-19 than were killed in combat in the three worst wars the nation fought in the 20th Century.

What's the most appalling part of this is how utterly, completely, shockingly pointless all these deaths were. How much we could have done to prevent them, compared to how little we actually did.

The commonsense response to a potentially lethal pathogen is almost childishly simple. Protect yourself. Protect those around you. Don't do stupid things

It's really that simple.

If you see the minefield and you don't have to go into the minefield, don't fucking go into the fucking minefield. 

There's no reason we had to kill all those people. Some will have died no matter what we did. But we could have saved probably hundreds of thousands had we followed the simple public health precautions we knew we should have and other polities like Japan and South Korea did.

But instead here we are, with an unconscionably large portion of the U.S. public convinced by their idiotic civic religion that those precautions are some sort of jackbooted oppression. Another, possibly overlapping, portion is going to refuse to be vaccinated. 

I honestly don't know what to say about this other than what the fuck is wrong with you people?

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