Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Knee Replacement - The Adventure Continues

This coming Friday will be both six weeks post-op left knee and surgery date for the right.

I won't kid you; I'm not looking forward to the NEXT three or four weeks. It's going to be a pain-suck mess just like the first three or four weeks post-op was, and that's assuming that everything goes as well as the first replacement.

But the alternative - living with knees that are effectively destroyed and continue to deteriorate - is worse.

The really sucky part, though, is for my Bride, who this week finally got some relief from driving me everywhere, and now is thrown back into the tied-to-the-immobile-mass-of-living-tissue that will be me for a month and a half assuming everything goes well.

We've been taking turns sleeping on the couch, since I still haven't licked the insomnia problems, though after this coming weekend she's back out there for a solid three weeks or so until the post-op pain management becomes manageable. Which means this:

Little Cat luuuurves a nice warm person to sleep on. And the couch is perfect for that. So this was 3am this morning, when - after finally dozing off - I woke to a heavy, hot, furry little body lying on my sternum.

She really is a very sweet cat. But...damn, catto, I made you a special soft fluffy cat nest so you wouldn't do this, fer crying out loud.

Well. At least it keeps my mind off this coming Friday.


  1. Sleep is the great restorative. Stay off your feet. Get well.

  2. Sleep is the weirdest part of this whole thing.

    I've FINALLY begun to sleep, sorta, but it's an odd pattern.

    2200 (or whenever)-0300: Lie there. Fade in and out, but mostly awake, not desperate for sleep but not going there, either.
    0300-0800 or 0900: Conk out. Wake up feeling very achy (because I've slept through my pain med dose) but like I've had actual sleep.

    It's working, but it's very odd.
