One of the things that's been so difficult and frustrating for me to watch is my country seeming to be intent on re-fighting fights I thought had been fought (and won for the good...) long ago.
The current insanity of the wingnut Right for all things other-than-heterosexual is one of them.
First, I don't get it.Do these fucking C.H.U.D.s think that they can just scream and stamp their widdle feet and legislate other-than-heterosexual people away?
Obviously, yes, because that appears to be the idea, such as it is.
That's nuts.
That's like saying that if I close my eyes long enough that the table I'm sitting at will just...go away.
Gay people are...people. Lesbian people, non-binary people, trans people. They're just...people. For fuck's sake, cis-het whacko Christian "conservatives", it's like you're trying to pretend there's nothing in this world not like you (or what you want it to be).
There's all sorts of people who aren't fucking like you. People who like model trains. People who sleep in Sundays. People who hate green beans. People who like (or love, or lust after) people who may not be the ones you "think" they should.
To insist otherwise?
That's utterly bugnuts.
No, actually, that's worse. Because "wishing people away" is how you start down the road that ends against walls, in shallow graves, or in ovens.
And second, and fuckadoodledoo, I thought we'd settled this on let's-not-do-stupid-shit grounds.
It's plain commonsense; if We the People are going to hand out legal and financial goodies based on things like legal and financial marital status (and We the People want to at least pretend that our society is based on Equal Justice Under Law) then every consenting-adult has to have in on that.
So if I want to marry for the tax writeoff? Cool. If I want to gay-marry, or lesbian-marry, or whoever-so-long-as-we-can-consent for the same bennie?
Also cool.
If I want to love? Lust? Dress like? Be with? Think or talk or be? Someone not manly-man or girly-girl?
What' s the fucking problem with that?
And, seriously, who the fuck does that hurt? Who is hurt because that's a thing, and that everybody knows and accepts it as a thing?
I mean...if a schoolkid is old enough to know that there's a thing like fucking Donald fucking Trump, he or she or they are old enough to know that Heather has Two Mommies (or Daddies, or whatever...) or some other kid may have guy parts but not really feel very guy-ish.
Personally, IMO the first should shit-scare all of us waaaaaaay more than all that other stuff, but, whatev'.
I know a lot of this is about supposed-Christian-bible-stuff but, frankly, 1) we're supposed to be a nation under civil law, not a fucking theocracy, and 2) if you're gonna clobber other people with bible-stuff you better not be mixing fucking fabrics or eating a roast beef sando with a glass of milk.
(There's nothing more despicable than notional theocrats who pick-and-choose their theocracy. You wanna be a nutty God-pesterer? You gotta be full-on-nutzo. Buy it all or nothing. No homosexuals? Then no shrimp and no charging interest. You own it all, you don't get to pick your looney bits.)
Point we are.
Every whackadoodle wingnut (which means effectively the entire American Republican Party) is screeching like their junk is in a vise about non-heterosexuals being pedophiles (Oh, hi, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump, Denny Hastert, Gym Jordan! Ears burning, ma dudes? Yep, talking about your little, ummm..."problems") or "groomers" or every other awful goddamn sexual thing they can throw at the public wall to see if it sticks.
I'll be the first to say that there are troubling things that We the People should be deeply concerned about. Climate. The fact that here in the world's richest and most powerful polity there are people with more yachts than they can ever sail while a couple of miles away there are people who can't sleep indoors. Nonalcoholic "beer". COVID-19.
But the fact that Asami and Korra (and, yes, I totally shipped those two and still do...) love each other?
That's so far down the fucking Just no.
It's not even on the fucking list.
It's just two people. Imaginary people, even. In love. Just like people, lots of people, real not-cartoon people, do.
And the fact that we're fighting over this?
Has me infuriated in a sort of angry-sick-and-tired-of-this-bullshit way.
One of the saddest and most irritating parts of having lived this long has been watching the worst people in my country return to the worst ideas my country ever had and dig up those ideas like a fucking stupid spaniel digging up the stinking remains of a dead rabbit.
I thought we were on the way to burying those sonsofbitches deeper than Newt Gingrich's morals.
Seems I was wrong.
Well, shit.
"In the clearing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of every glove that laid him down
And cut him 'til he cried out
In his anger and his shame
"I am leaving, I am leaving"
But the fighter still remains..."
~ Paul Simon
There's an irony that this same demographic has such a lust for all things Spartan, and while they've nailed the authoritarian, xenophobic, pro-slavery, racist Spartan tendencies, they've totally missed the cult of brotherly love.
ReplyDeleteThe other part of that I love the shit out of is the ammosexuals' rampaging hard-on for the supposed reply that the commander of the Spartan troops at the Hot Gates gave when the Persian messenger told him to surrender their weapons: μολὼν λαβέ, molon labe, "Come and take (them)".
ReplyDeleteNow it's bullshit. There's no documentary record of what if any sort of parlay went on at Thermopylae. The phrase turns up in Plutarch during Roman times - 1st and early 2nd Centuries AD - and Plutarch was famous for 1) inventing shit he wanted his people to say, and 2) loving the hell out of the Spartan legend and doing everything he could to fluff it.
But that's not the part that tickles me; it's that the gun-humpers and wingnuts tend to forget that Xerxes' reply was "Mmmmmokay..." and he fucking went and did.
The famous he-man stand at the Hot Gates did nothing to stop the Persian offensive other than delay it for three days or so. Our primary source for Thermopylae is Herodotus, who is an even bigger Spartan fluffer than Plutarch, and he manages to not only make what was a military disaster sound cool, he completely elides that the spartiates (the "real" citizens of Sparta) were grossly outnumbered by their own non-citizen infantry (the perioeci) something like 3:1.
And to expect these wingnuts to have a grownup understanding of sexuality is like expecting a monkey to do calculus. Their brain is hardwired in fourth grade: "Homos! Eeeewwww!. But Spartans were badass warriors! Come and take 'em! So THEY weren't "homos", duh!
Dealing with these ignorant fucks just pisses me off. It's like keeping the dog off the sofa; they don't get it and when you try and correct their headspace and timing just lick their balls.