Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Fight them or be destroyed. Because they will not spare you.

Thoughts knocking around in my head today:

What’s frustrating about my current job situation is that I have several deadlines bearing down on me but am wasting this morning doing monkey-brain grade dirt nanny work because we can’t seem to find and hire (and keep) field techs with more brains and energy than an actual monkey.

If the American Taliban thinks that the SCOTUS will “stop abortion” they’re as stupid as they are credulous. Humans have been DXing their spawn since before the hippies invented sex in the Sixties.
The difference is simply “will emptying my womb kill or injure me, or not?” be the question, and the wingnuts are happy to answer “Maybe. Take your chances, slut.” because the wealthy ones know their cash will ensure their mistresses and daughters will be safely surgically de-fetused and the others are some combination of stupid, delusional, high on their own supply, or just mean as goddamn weasels. 

Of course, it's not really about "stopping abortion". It's about killing sluts with coathangers, and jailing them, and ruining their lives.
And the ultimate irony? The real Abortion Doctor is their precious Nature’s God, who ends some ridiculously huge number of pregnancies with miscarriage.
But. That’s not the real goal. The sleazy Alito screed spells it out in letters of fire. It’s marriage equity and contraceptives and every other ruling that keeps the Bible-bangers’ noses out of your bedroom, your workplace, your life.

Because it's not really about "stopping abortion". It's about making everything that Republicans think is icky - men kissing men, women loving up women, people dressing "funny", people not listening to them talk about sex and how if those people aren't doing it their way they're doing it wrong. And that's evil. And evil must be destroyed.
So stop kidding yourself. You have a choice; fight them now and stop them. Or be crushed by them.
If you’re not prostrate before the Cross?
Those nice happy friendly Jesus people in the picture below? 
They're coming for your fucking heads.

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