Monday, August 01, 2022

It's Fucking Hot

 Well...not now. But until this morning we had a week (and more) of 95+ temperatures thanks to those cunning Chinese climate-change hoaxters. 

 Being the hardy American pioneers were are...we all hid inside the air conditioned Little House

...even this goofball.


  1. We had a hot week too, about 200 miles north of you... hottest day was about 86, which was a nice change from our non-June and July, when most days it did not go over 70.
    Fruit and vegetable crops not doing so well now because you need consistent temperatures over 60 to get the bees to wake up and pollinate.
    I have some apples on my tree but not as good as last year.

  2. I was out doing some sporadic yardwork before the heat and noticed that the plum tree that is the centerpiece of our backyard had an exceptionally poor fruiting year. Not only were there few plums, period, but many of the fruit dropped long before ripening. Lots of tiny, hard plums on the ground. Very weird, and I wonder if the combination of late, cool, wet spring and then sudden hot summer had anything to do with that...
