Thursday, November 10, 2022

If you can keep it



Turns out the "red wave' was more like a pale pink splash, kind of " when you wash your Klan robe with your MAGA hat", I think Steve Colbert described it.

My personal fave? 

The Oregonian ("Still longing for the firm hand of a Republican Daddy") headlined the Oregon Republicans gaining one - one - seat in the Oregon Senate as...

Republicans yank Oregon Democrats’ Senate supermajority
One. Seat.
Fuck me. C'mon.

Keeping the number of rabid monkeys in the monkeyhouse down is good but, mind you, ANY gains by Republicans simply mean that too many Americans are 1) too stupid to be allowed out in public unsupervised, or 2) shitty white people. We just don't get it. These people are catching your attention with drag queens and refugee caravans while they break your leg and pick your pocket. A vote for any Republican - now - is a vote for not just dictatorship of the lumpenproletariat but dictatorship of the bone-stupid lumpenproletariat. 
Of brain-dead grievance engines like Gym Jordan and Margie Taylor Greene.
The GQP potentially regaining the U.S. House is going to be fucking im-fucking-possible
Despite getting a razor-thin electoral margin largely through grotesquely-warped electoral maps the fucking GQP Nitwit (sorry) "Freedom" Caucus is gonna act like it got the fucking Mandate of Heaven and will immediately begin to  lard the public press (and the public purse) with idiotic bullshit like investigating Hunter Biden! and forming Select Committees to pursue rumors of voter fraud and trans kids using litterboxes in classrooms.
And don't even get me started about the "debt ceiling".

Jesus wept.
Here in the Beaver State the usual idiots got up to their usual idiocy - the "Greater Idaho" fucktardry gained another couple of unpaved counties - and the QANut GQP candidate for governor got damn near 44% of the ballots cast.
Four out of ten Oregonians.

At least Phil Knight's sockpuppet Betsy Johnson couldn't crack double figures.

But that in itself should make you think.

This year Oregon's cranky old people, rednecks, and wannabe finance grifters had not just one but two choices:

An old-school pro-business, plutocrat-fluffing, anti-tax, anti-public-service, stodgy, mainstream Republican.
 And a fucking lunatic, treasonous, Trump-fellating wingnut.

And they preferred the traitor four-to-one.
Of course Drazen hasn't conceded. She's a J6 traitor, a Big Lie, 2020-election-denier. She's a worthless lump of human-like skin, so of course she won't concede and more than 40% of the voters luuuuurve her for it.
How the hell do we govern a republic with those C.H.U.D.s running loose?

We. Are. So. Fucked.
That's it for politics for a while. I'm gonna take advantage of my retirement for a bit and do some random blogging after this.

See you then.

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