Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday check-in and a question

 Got a busy week, but wanted to stop by here and download a couple of thoughts. It's been that kind of day.

The good news is that the Bride's job is reduced only 0.1FTE. We can live with that. I'll have to pick up some more contract work here and there, but we keep ALL the medical coverage, and that's what would hurt the most.

The bad news is that the goddamn IRS refuses to believe that I don't have a quarter million stashed in the Maldives.

Long story, but the bottom line is that my mother's IRA didn't get correctly divided into two inherited IRAs - one each for my sister and me - and instead went 1) into her's and then 2) into mine. There it is; it didn;t get turned into hookers and blow, or whatever the fucking IRA thinks it did. 

But the paper trail is complicated, and I'm not sure how to get the sonsofbitches to see how it worked and that I'm not hiding the money. I've got a FTF appointment this coming Friday and I hope to try and lay out what I have and see if I can convince the guy to see reason.

And fucking Trump has never been dinged so much as a nickel for all his tax chiseling? What a fucking fuckstory.

One thing I've been following with increasing incredulity has been the whole "transpanic" thing.

Fortunately Oregon is fairly insulated from this sort of wingnut freakout. It's not that our wingnuts are less freaky - they are, believe me; nobody who's stupid and twitchy enough to think that it's a great notion to move the less-paved parts of the state into Idaho is anything less than a gibbering loon - but that they're much fewer and much less in-our-faces, living as they do out in the hinterlands far from the decadence of civilization.

But as I understand it the whole idea is that these nuts are utterly unhinged on the subject of transgender people who, as I understand it, are people who are born with one set of genital plumbing but don't think and feel in harmony with that.

I joke about "Sharing the bathroom with a Cambodian ladyboy in a cocktail frock" but apparently this is a thing and a thing that utterly drives some people out of their tree; someone who goes to the ladies room and pisses standing up in the stall.

Now WHY this freaks these folks out I have no idea.

I dunno know about them, but I go to the can to do my business and I could care less about what the other people there are doing or how they do it. More than that - I don't want to know. Those excretory and urinary functions?

NOT my kink.

But apparently the whole thing - and I can't believe that it's all purely electoral cynicism; some people HAVE to be genuinely freaky about this for it to gain traction - really DOES freak people out, to which my response is complete and utter bafflement.


WTF, folks?


Why do you give a shit?

If someone with a cock wants to be called Shirley? If someone with a uterus wants to grow a beard and hang out at the bar with the bros? If they want to be called "them" or whatever?

Why on Earth is it your business to even care, much less "do something"?

No, really.

I totally don't get it.

There's so many things to worry about. So many fucked up problems; global warming, MILF Manor, nonalcoholic beer, exploding freight trains, Dick Cheney, the collected works of Sonny Bono. It's almost impossible to list them all, much less worry and "do something" about.

And you want to fuck around with this?

Like I said; I don't get it.

Anyone help a brother out? No kidding; what's the deal? Not with the cynical GQP scum using it for "culture war" ammo, but the CHUDs out there they're driving with it. What's THEIR problem? Why are these gomers so arsed about this?


  1. We have the same trans 'debate' bullshit over this side of the water. Like 5 years ago nobody was talking about it, now we can't go a week without a right wing crank with a newspaper column going on and on about bathrooms, turning over every rock to find some poor bastard who got bad medical support when they were younger (whilst being able to comfortably ignore other massive, overwhelming problems that you just need to notice let alone investigate).

    Its clear that some of ghe more dedicated activists are not always on their best behaviour. In the same way the only winners in each court case are the lawyers, the only winners here appear to be those with no dog in the fight. The same politicians & journalists claiming to stand up for women's rights to be on one side of the debate you can absolutely guarantee act against women's interests on other matters.

    And then there are the poor bastards who have had to wrestle with their identity in a way most of us never have to. The idea that you would have anything but sympathy and want them to live happy lives baffles me. I feel about it in much the same way I did with the war in Iraq - WHY is this suddenly an issue when recently nobody had any opinions on it, and noticing how many bad faith actors are playing a part in it.

  2. I wish I could find the piece I read the other day titled something like Re-inventing The Closet which laid out the point behind this otherwise-idiotic-seeming trans-panic.

    The author pointed out that back in the Bad Old Days the normies would pick the most visible (most out, most flamboyant, most "different", so most vulnerable) individuals and hound them; viciously, relentlessly, mercilessly.

    The goal, though, was to frighten all the OTHER gays, lesbians, transseuals, etc. The ones who were able to hide or dissemble - remember your history, how many people who were gay or lesbian who lived a lie, even fathered or bore children through cis/het intercourse...THOSE are the people these fascists are aiming at.

    If they can make the mere suggestion of non-cis/non-het reality a nightmare it won't just kill or maim the people who CAN'T live those lies, it will drive very many of those who CAN back into the closet.

    The more I thought about that the more sense it made.

    This isn't about trans people nearly so much as it is about EVERY non-binary, non-cis, non-het person. These scum are targeting the most visible and most vulnerable to terrify everyone on "their list".

  3. Found it:

    "The goal, rather, is to make the cost of expressing homosexual inclination or trans identity so high that the marginal few who could go either way find a way to make conformity work. In other words, a hard core of people who have no choice but to express homosexual inclination or trans identity will have to live thwarted, persecuted lives to marginally increase the odds that some bigot’s son or daughter will suck it up and settle into a “normal” marriage and produce a grandchild or two, so that the next generation can in turn suck it up and conform as well."
