Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Stupid laws for clueless people

 Once again the Worst Law In Oregon returns to fuck up my state's fiscal planning:

"The surge in anticipated tax receipts will also likely trigger a big increase in the state’s unique “kicker” tax rebate that taxpayers would receive when they file their taxes next year: $5.5 billion, up from a predicted kicker of $3.9 billion at the last forecast just three months ago, according to economists’ presentation to state lawmakers Wednesday."

"Unique" is a nice way of saying "this stupidest of all stupid fucking ideas".

Imagine if you had to predict how much you'd earn in overtime for the next two years.

Then if you worked more overtime, you had to hand that money back to your employer.

You'd go fucking nuts, right? And nobody would blame you!

Of course, the anti-tax "conservatives" love this thing, but the other obstacle to flushing it is that Joe and Molly love their "kicker", without ever thinking that the eighty bucks they get is a fraction of the $80 million that Flav-r-pac and Stoel Rives and Nike are getting, all money that could be put to roads and schools and building places for all those smelly homeless people they hate seeing in their parks to live in.

Plus it prevents Oregon from setting aside a rainy day fund when times and revenues are good to help pay when times are not.

Sometimes I swear I'm living in the stupidest timeline.

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