Tuesday, October 03, 2023

If you can keep it...


Fun meme.

But the actual reality is less amusing.

I rag on the GQP a lot because...well, they play stupid games for stupid prizes. More plutocracy. More THEocracy. Made-up nonsense about sex and gender. Ignorant prejudice and idiotic things like their anti-vaxx shiny object.

The stuff they want is objectively loathsome for anyone not already in a two-yacht family.

And, frankly, they gyre and gimbel in the most ridiculously fatheaded ways. The contemptible farce they enacted when they hucked this lamebrain into the Speakership was a perfect example.


There's a dark side to their lunacy, and it's that enough other lamebrains in this benighted nation elect them to local, regional, state, and federal office. There they can do a shit-ton of damage to the sane and thoughtful who want nothing so much as for these goofballs to go scrawl their shit-screed on their OWN walls.

Well, the Angry Children's Caucus has taken their pound of flesh, and now the rest of us will have to see how they cook it up for us. As Scott LEmieux says at the link:

"It’s...very plausible that whatever chaos agent eventually ends up getting the job will simply discredit Republicans further and create a more favorable political climate for 2024. On the other hand…there are a lot of ways in which an even more insane and inept Speaker than McCarthy can do material damage to the economy, and that will hang to some degree on Biden. I can’t predict with any confidence how this will play out but there’s a lot of potential dangers here."

 Very much yes.

We're fortunate here in Oregon in that our Republicans are so utterly revolting that anyone within sightlines of "normie" will scurry away from them like they would a rotting carcass (which, come to think of it, is a pretty good metaphor for the Oregon GOP's moral and political flavor...). All they can do is marinate in their rural styes and run from the legislature whenever anything remotely like "legislating" is proposed.

But the federal government is infested with these gomers and their nonsensical, 18th-Century-Articles-of-Confederation-cosplay of what the government of a ginormous complex industrial nation is supposed to do...other than ladle tax monies to rich fucksticks.

And now they're going to compete to see which looney gets to run the People's House.

I can't wait.

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