“We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections...They’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy (the nation and it's promise)...the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within."
Trump? Or Adolf?
"Nature is cruel; therefore we are also entitled to be cruel. When I send the flower of...youth into the steel hail of the next war without feeling the slightest regret over the precious blood that is being spilled, should I not also have the right to eliminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies like vermin?"
Trump? Or Adolf?
We Report.
You Decide...whether you want the promise of this nation...
...or this madman.
I'm ashamed of the many cranky old codgers in my generation that have let themselves be conned and have voted for him in '16 & '20 and will still vote for him next year. WTF is wrong in their heads? Without them he'd still be a failure as a predatory developer and an intimidator of women. Or a wannabee mafiosi although as a mobster he wouldn't have amounted to much more than a pimple on John Gotti's arse.
ReplyDeleteAM talk radio which featured that asshole Limbaugh started the ball rolling for most of what became the MAGA crowd. Then FOX took over and mainstreamed it. They poisoned the minds and hearts of people who listened to that blather--often ALL DAY (in the car AND at work/home). Ironic that THEY, the inheritors of McCarthyism, were brainwashed in this manner.
ReplyDeleteThe poison was resentment of 'the other' in many forms. Once you thoroughly despise The Other you can do what you want to them; accuse them of patently false things and not see the illogic of it. Jews are vermin but run the world (crazy); your Hispanic plumber is part of a drug family but looks like a good christian family man as 'cover' (crazy). Etc.
Thankfully some of us 'Lefties' are also armed and if Trump gets elected again may well need to keep those things in good repair.
The thing I don't get is the attraction to anyone not already a Nazi.
ReplyDeleteI was a young adult in the Seventies and Eighties living mostly in and around the middle Eastern states (NJ, PA) when this fucker was all OVER; casinos, real estate...pro (sorta, well, USFL) football, FFS!
And everybody - I mean, EVERYbody - looked at him as a joke. He was this little blowhard from Queens playing with daddy's money pretending to be a Manhattan big shot while everyone around him could smell the stink of flop sweat and desperation. He went broke RUNNING A CASINO, a thing where people actually GIVE YOU MONEY.
All the Queens bling, gold toilets, portraits of himself on velvet...he was the Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack only without the smarts to be appealing.
He's STILL all that, only more senile and stupider and meaner. Who the fuck wants that to be the Vice-President of the local Elks, much less the POTUS?????
So it's not him. He's just the big ol' toilet floater he always was.
It's that 4 out of 10 "Americans" want that turd floating in the Oval Office crapper.
That's fucking insane.
People (even 'Mericans) want to be led. Ideally by someone they view as 'good', but lacking that, by someone they view as on their side. In this case their 'side' has to be 'good' because it's better than the deviant commie (whatevers) haters on the other 'side' they previously slurped-up from FOX and such.
ReplyDeleteRussians, generally, love them some strongman Putin. Mericans (too many of us) love us some Lib-owning 'floater' (love that--thanks!). He's an icon for them and there is no equivalent substitute. So IF that blowhard is made irrelevant politically a lot of the fuel on the MAGA side should get shut off.
Not all the fuel. But we've had a strain of the stain for as long as I can remember. John Birch Society billboards along the Interstate; anti-fluoridation kicks, etc.
The only hope for us is that they're knocked down (or de-iconed/de-fueled) to the point of political insignificance.
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ReplyDeleteSo, in order:
ReplyDelete1) That's a bug, not a feature. Livestock want to be led, too, and it does them as much harm as good in an industrial society.
2) Agreed. We're as tribal as our Neolithic forebears.
3) Yes; the only real "genius" of Trump is that he's as big a shitty rancid meatbag as his millions of serfs, so he says the things in public that it took decades to make so toxic as to be unspeakable. Now these CHUDs are back loud and proud and a lot is because this choad shoved his way into the public square.
4) And I've said this again and again; the "problem" isn't Trump. It's the Cult of "Conservatism", which has become effectively "We're Against the Twentieth Century". If it's anything that isn't pure Gilded Age plutocracy and Bible-banging theocracy, they're agin it. Economic, racial, sexual equity, pluralist democracy, religious liberty (including areligious liberty!)...all those things are eeeeevil Commie Fascist Satanist Critical Race Theory Wokeism.
Frankly, the "problem" is them, and that's not a soluble problem. Trump? One too many cheeseburgers and he's gone. But how do you eradicate 70-odd million Trumps? You're not changing their "minds"; as the post suggests, if you hear this shit he's saying and like it? You're a fucking Hitlerjugend and lost to civil society.
But there's a gajillion of them! And I don't know what the hell civil society can do with them!
I think we're just fucked.
ReplyDeleteYou are 100% correct that our problem is too many of the electorate have had gasoline thrown on their smoldering embers, lit by right wing media. Trump IS that gasoline; an ideal Icon for his followers.
Those Trump-lovers were there before he ran for office. Before Trump, and especially before Fox fellated Trump, most had enough sense to stay quiet about their latent tendencies. They were Archie Bunker, 'boozed and let loose' after Trump ran and won.
Most talk big but would be no-shows if push comes to shove; many are quite old. It's some of the youngins and ex-military that are the real threat IMO. Still, if their icon is defanged they'd thankfully have a difficult time finding an effective substitute. Lots of wanabees but no gen-u-wine gold-plated 3.5 gallon per flush trumplets among the current contenders.
I'll grant you that we're closer to being fucked than before his Bloatness ran for office But there IS a glimmer of light on the horizon if Tubby gets defanged. Same happened to West Germany post-WW2; dyed in the wool mentality that ran to ground once their Fuhrer died, the setting changed and some level of humiliation occurred. We can additionally hope for a cheeseburger/straw that breaks our asshole's back/aorta too.
Don't despair. There are more of us than them. However if the electorate votes him in next time we'll deserve what we'll get. 247 years is a long ride for a nation. From an actuarial standpoint we've been bucking the odds for a while. Cultivate your overseas friends--you may need them.
I think the difference is that it took losing a global war and the deaths of millions to "change the setting" of the German public. Short of that level of pain - and where is that going to come from? - there's no real reason for the wingnuts to change.
ReplyDeleteThey've said it; they believe they ARE the Master Race, and that anything that even slightly tickles the possibility that they might not be eternally that must be smashed down brutally. Look at "Critical Race Theory".
All it is, is accepting that 1) racism is baked in to many human societies, 2) it was part and parcel of US society, politics, economics, and history, and 3) the entire composition and structure of the US was explicitly designed to reinforce "White is Right".
I mean...duh? How is ANY of that even remotely arguable? It's not even a "theory", it's what we all grew up with, from the days when me and the other kids used to pick something by chanting "Eeney meeney miney moe, catch a nigger by the toe..." in the all-white suburb where I grew up not even seeing a Black person for weeks at a time!
And yet the wingnuts are in a frantic tizzy fighting against and denying something that is "sky is blue" prima facie obvious.
If you can't even get so much as an acknowledgement that it's a legitimate argument?
How're you gonna "change" these fuckers?
The bottom line is that the other "CRT" fact is that the way the US is set up is designed to empower low-population/rural (i.e. white) parts of the country. So the more of us are increasingly ruled by the less of them. That's baked in, too; the rich white guys who set this gimmick up intended it that way, and it's working as designed.
So...ugh. This is a really sucky timeline.