Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Well, at least we know who "We the People" are...

In a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity the American public has chosen to elect a gibbering idiot who pines for the Gilded Age and dreams of Hitlerian policies towards everyone he hates - and he's a good hater - and his clutch of little Nazis who will take an axe to the 20th Century to ensure that no drag queen ever reads "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to second graders again.

To the extent they can, the GOP will root out workplace and environmental regulations and undo the already too-threadbare social "safety net". They will increase the already too-high economic inequality to ensure we become ever more an oligarchy.

Their open lunatic anti-vaxxer, anti-"Obamacare" crowd will undo public health and make us sicker and weaker.

In 1933 the German public had endured war and starvation, hyperinflation, militias fighting in the street, the punitive effects of Versailles...and STILL did not vote in the Nazis.

What's our excuse? That the cutie in the corner booth might be a transwoman in a cocktail frock?

That the roofers next door might be here illegally?

At this point all I can do is echo this comment from the election thread over at Lawyers, Guns & Money:

"The bottom line is that there are more fucking assholes in America than anyone wants to acknowledge.

More immature, misogynist, racist, greedy, myopic fucking assholes than anyone is comfortable admitting to; more really rotten, selfish human beings who choose hate over love, exclusion over inclusion and "fuck you, I got mine" over any sense of humanity.

It's time to face the facts. The fucking rot is wider and deeper than any of us want to admit, and it's growing.

It all makes me want to puke, and the worst of it is that I honestly don't know how to combat it all. All I DO know is that we must all keep fighting, because to capitulate is to descend into madness."

The madness is upon us.

We're in a Project 2025 World now.

Updated 11/6 p.m.: I know this is like bitching about the boring TV programming in the middle of a typhoon, but...
81 million of you turned out to vote against Tubby in 2020. 
Only 67 million bothered to vote against him yesterday, when it was obvious that he's crazier and more vicious than a shithouse rat than he was four years ago.

Where the fuck did 14 million of y'all go? Disneyland?

 Tubby got 2 million FEWER votes than he got in 2020. If everyone who voted for Biden turned out yesterday...



  1. My condolences Chief. This is very much a 'one step forward, a couple of car-lengths back' situation. I've friends who are gay and trans who are *very* concerned about their future.

  2. No shit.

    Let's see. Who should be "very concerned" about their future based on The Leader's own words..?
    Anyone who's not straight and cisgendered
    Anyone who depends - like me - on "entitlements" like Social Security, Medicare
    Anyone who doesn't love Trump (the enemy within!)
    Anyone who doesn't have ironclad protections for their citizenship, i.e. a huge number of immigrants
    Anyone who is Muslim
    Anyone who protests Trump diktats (he's called for military force to suppress "riots" and EVERY anti-Trump protest will be declared a "riot")
    Anyone who runs afoul of any MAGAt since the Proud Boys etc. will no longer have to "stand back and stand by".
    Anyone who publicly criticizes The Leader

    Should I stop now? I could go on.
