Sunday, December 29, 2024

Mouthful of spit

Since late winter I've been dealing with muscle tremor.

First my left leg - occasionally, then steadily - now my left hand.

I saw a neurologist in midsummer. He did some physical "tests" - write this, hold this, walk there - and concluded that the shaking was likely "essential tremor", a relatively benign symptom of brain function desuetude that accompanies aging.

But he wanted to see me again this winter to rule out Parkinson's Disease.

Well, the shaking has grown slowly worse. Not shocking or scarily so...

...until last weekend. When I realized that I was salivating. Constantly.

The fancy name for this is "sialorrhea", and it's just plain old drooling. It's to the point where I have to carry around a spit cup like some goober sucking on a bag of worm dirt (that's "snuff" for you non-Eighties-GIs).

Point is...the drooling is strongly - as in reeeeeally strongly - associated with Parkinson's, or other severe neurological issues like ALS.


It's VERY likely I have Parkinson's.

I'm going to call the neurologist Monday to try and get seen ASAP. While Parkinson's has no cure there are treatments that can help quality of life. 

It's going to kill me.

But I won't go easy. I'll fight as long as my life is worth fighting for.

But I thought I'd just say this here and now, so you few remaining readers would know where I'm coming from. It's...not a good place.


  1. I’ll be here reading, as long as you’re posting. I hope the treatments are very effective in your case, and that it stays controlled for a good long time. Pulling for you!

  2. Obviously 2024 has been a very bad year for you. The implication is that 2025 should have the seed of a turnaround in it--for you if not our country.

    I'm with you via these intertubes.

  3. Goddamnit Chief, when it rains, it hurricanes. I hope the test comes back negative.

  4. What an awful year you've had chief.

    My Dad got diagnosed with parkinsons 2 years back, and with medication he should keep going into his 80's which is as long as he wants to live.

  5. S**t Chief, I am so sorry to hear that ... I hope that you can find some treatments and methods that will maintain an acceptable quality of life for you. This is a very bad timeline we've stumbled into, indeed.

  6. Best wishes for as much and as good life as you can have.

  7. Don't panic yet, Chief. Best wishes and good luck.

