Wednesday, November 18, 2009

11 or better on 1d20 to save for "excessive media exposure"...

If you know or care nothing about Dungeons and Dragons, stop now.

Otherwise, you might want to wander over here and read this little take on Tundra Barbie's "autobiography" (if by "autobiography" you mean "dictated by me to someone who could write"...).

Best graf: "Plus, on every single page she bemoans her 8 INT build and blames her horrible playing on everyone else! It's her fault for putting all her stat points into Charisma!"

Quick read, good funny. Plus, you actually get to see the words "Sarah Palin" without something adjacent to them that that makes you want to throw up a little in the back of your mouth.


Big Daddy said...

That was a hoot, but it seems derivative of the legendary review of Lady Chatterly's Lover which complained that the book had no useful information on gamekeeping.

FDChief said...

BD: There is nothing new under the sun, I'm afraid...

Maia said...

"dictated by me..." quote is funny to me at the moment because, while visiting the Genghis Khan show, we read a little about Marco Polo, and how he was able to get his memoirs written while he was in jail. He dictated them to a fellow prisoner, who happened to be a writer, and they were a huge hit after the fact. Interesting!