Thursday, April 18, 2019

An Open Letter to Speaker Pelosi

"I've already contacted my Representative, Mr. Blumenauer, but I wanted to reach out to you directly to let you know how critical I believe your role in upholding the republican institutions of this nation is now.

The conclusions of the Mueller investigation and, in particular, the shamelessness of the Republican Party in evading and denying those conclusions as they relate to the criminal conduct of this President, make it clear that if this is not the moment for impeachment there never will be, and if the House Democratic caucus does not use the impeachment process to uphold those institutions that they will not BE upheld.

Regardless of the foreseeable betrayal of the nation by the Senate GOP there is no reason not to begin proceedings against this President and his failure to faithfully uphold the laws of the United States.

Impeachment. Now."

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