Thursday, April 18, 2019


After today's release of the investigation into the 2016 election and the despicable performance by the lickspittle who is notionally my nation's chief "justice" officer, the choice of the way forward is brutally clear.

Either the United Stated House of Representatives opens impeachment proceedings against Donald J. Trump.

Or the United States becomes Putin's Russia, where "truth" is what The Leader says it is and the residents are subjects, not citizens.

Forget the man's obvious senile incapacity. Forget the self-dealing, the lies, the performative cruelty, the emoluments. Simply concentrate on this; a foreign power meddled in the internal politics of this country. The current President knew of it, did nothing to alert those responsible for preventing it, and, instead, expected to profit from it.

Does that excuse the U.S. meddling in other nations' internal business?

Of course not.

Does that justify turning a blind eye to the current Administration's role in what happened in 2016?

Of course not.

And then...consider all the things I've cautioned you to forget. The lies. The corruption. The vile eagerness to run the nation only for the rich, the white, and the notionally-Christian. The brutal vindictiveness. The crass eagerness to embrace Naziism. All the other lawbreaking, including recommending that federal officers break the laws and promising pardons if they do. The reality that the orange sonofabitch thinks he's a king.

If this Congress does not impeach, we might just as we stop kidding ourselves about being a "republic of laws, not men".

It's really just that simple.


  1. What country meddled in America's internal affairs? Israel? Oh Russia you say.

    Ho Hum.

    That's what countries *do* to each other. Always have, always will.
    There are lots of reasons to impeach Trump.

    The failure to adequately punish Russia for their puny interference in the election isn't one.

  2. Ummm...I'm not sure if this is supposed to have the sarcasm font, or what.

    And you DO know that the people who need to be spanked are those people in THIS country that we happy to let a hostile foreign power get them elected, right?

    You don't "punish" enemies. You keep an eye on them, you deal with them when you can and fight them when you must. But they aren't yours to "punish".

    No, the people you punish are the traitors within who sell you TO the enemies.

    And if you don't, then you have become your enemy's property.

  3. And, frankly, the real betrayal is of the nation by those who prefer the aid of external enemies because they want to sell their nation to internal enemies; plutocrats, Christopaths, Nazis.

    But you go with the tools you have.

    If it takes hanging electoral treason on the GOP to drive them into the wilderness, I'm fine with that. Whatever it takes. The main point is that these people are not "Americans" in the aspirational sense of the word. They represent not the best angels of the nation's promise but the worst, the old demons of racism and know-nothingism and feudalism. If I had to convict them on a shoplifting charge to get them whipped into the wasteland I'd do it.

    There is no hope for a return to the America of the New Deal - much less, for progress beyond the old New Deal coalition - until these C.H.U.D.s are exterminated.

  4. As far as I can tell, the Russians had no measurable impact on the 2016 election.

    The Donald getting elected president was entirely made in America.

    Senator Sanders says that fighting Trump makes him stronger and distracts from promoting those policies which benefit swing voters and impair the billionaire class.

    I note that, by and large, the American media try very hard to avoid policy discussion but always wedge the story into a soap opera (or indeed reality TV show). This is Trump's high ground.

    Feeding the drama machinery simply makes things worse.
