Thursday, December 14, 2023

More bad news

As I said earlier...

The really irking parts about this are 1) that the "Oregonian", supposedly the state's Newspaper of Record, would print this, and 2) the trouble they took to find these stupid fucking jamokes to make this up.

Again, if you turn to the newsweeklies you get the straight dope:

1) the poll was "...commissioned by the freakin' Portland Police Association."
2) they polled "...500 Portlanders (far less than 1 percent of the city's voting population)"
(in fact, 500 people is 0.00077 - that's right, a little under 8/10.000ths - of the 2021 city census)
3) "...56 percent of people responded "yes" to the question: "If you could afford it professionally and personally, would you consider leaving Portland to live elsewhere?"
4) As the Mercury points out, "During the period of time this survey was conducted (December 2 to 7), we got, like, six inches of rain." Fuck yes I'd live in Hilo if I could afford it. These are the Dark Ages. They suck enormous ass.
Plus, 5) "Why would a city's cops want to spread the message that Portland residents are shaking in the Blundstone boots every time they leave the house? Well, because they want to convince city officials to give them more money, of course!"

In fact, "crime", however you define it, is 1) extremely rare personally and 2) trending down generally; the FBI statistics show that after the Plague Year drove us mad things returned to the normal low hum of criming. So no, nimrod, your "crime concerns" are baseless claptrap.

Homelessness? We've talked that shit to death. If you're "concerned" about homeless hobo zombies eating your kitty? Fuck leaving Portland. Tax the richie riches instead and use the money to do housing and treatment and social work and jobs and transportation.

But, of course, both the worthless Portland coppers and the clickbait Oregonian won't stop shrieking about fire and murder and homeless hobo zombies because, duh, that's their rice bowl.

This is the "news" the normies are getting, and, just like the other "news", it makes them stupider because fear and fright make you stupid. When you're scared you make dumb choices, or just cower without making choices at all.

And let's not even start with the House Republican "impeachment inquiry"...

What a fucked up timeline this is.


  1. First, ACAB.

    Second, maybe Portland should start requiring cops, at least new hires to live in the city.

    Third, ACAB.

    Forth, good riddence.

    Fifth, ACAB.

  2. I get it, and I think I've made my opinion on the worthless Portland coppers pretty clear around here.

    That I also think I've pointed out, I'm very much an outlier in terms of both political left-ism and breadth of information-gathering. Most normies aren't either, and since they get their "news" from this shit, even moving the public needle towards stuff like forcing the worthless coppers to do things that might make them marginally less-worthless (like having to live amongst the vermin they supposedly "protect and serve") is somewhere between "insanely difficult" and "practically impossible".

    So this whole fucking mess becomes a self-licking ice cream cone. The cops are worthless bastards, they say and do worthless bastard stuff and lie about it, and rather than actually reporting the stuff the Newspaper of Record reports the lies. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    So to "solve" the worthless-copper-problem you've got to solve The World's Worst Newspaper Problem, too.

    And how do you do that? The true story is out there, but who's paying attention? The readership for the newsweeklies is self-selecting already, and on the other hand there's even MORE awful cop-suckups like the Sinclair "local" TV news or FAUX or fishwrap like the Portland Tribune. How do you get eyeballs for the corrections to this copaganda, any more than you get the lumpy middle to stop listening to bullshit stories on Joe Biden making your gasoline and eggs too spendy?

    I got nothin'...

  3. My solution for the cops is to require them to self bond with privately purchased insurance.

    Even if the city council insists on paying for the misdeeds of bad cops, the insurance companies will not.

    They will look for indicators of risk, and jack up the rates for the worst cops to the moon.
