Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pater Familias

Just so you know...

It's Sunday, Father's Day, at 8:04 am., and I've been sitting at the computer with my little girl in my lap since about 7:45. She points to the screen every time we see a photo of Mojo and lisps "Ma ma" and has been asking for a drink ("Wa wa") since about 7:59. My little guy bounced down about two minutes ago as we were downloading photos to ask to go to Starbucks, where we'll be off to in about a dime.

And I won't even go into the cat yack, which was my very first Father's Day present. Frikken cats...

Apropos of the day, I still remember being about ten asking MY father why, since there was a Father's Day and a Mother's Day why there was no Kid's Day.

"Every day is Kid's Day." he replied, probably pretty grimly, since I was pestering him while he was trying to do something householderish.

Anyway. To all Fathers and all Kids - and especially to the newest Father I know of (that'd be "J" of J&I, whose new son XX is probably biting him this very minute - they're love bites, Dad!) - everywhere: may you all live long enough to be friends with your Dad, and Dads, to be friends with your kids. Because as fun as they are, the crux of the biscuit is raising these little folks to be good people, people you'd want to be friends with.Happy Father's Day.


Anonymous said...

Happy Father's day to you, Chief. My experience was surprisingly similar to yours except my kids are about 10 years older.

P.S. - Good call on the SOFA. I can't believe the Bushies thought they could get away with it.

rangeragainstwar said...

Happy Father's Day, Chief.

walternatives said...

Happy Father's Day, Chief. You're a stellar Dad, and a dear friend. I hope that you had a lovely day.

atomic mama said...

Awww, a BIG belated thanks and Happy Father's Day back-at-ya! And, yes, NOW they ARE love bites - for reals!!!