Friday, January 24, 2025

Posse Stupidtatus Redux

 The Second Fraudulency Administration begins the preparations for the Second Battle of Columbus:

"The soldiers from the 82nd Airborne and 10th Mountain have not yet been issued “prepare to deploy orders,” the official told Task & Purpose. Rather, they have been informed that if the secretary of defense orders the Army to send more troops to the southern border, they would be the next to go."

This has been baked in from the start of this idiot's second election, but it's not any smarter, and this is actually even stupider on it's face because of the forces employed. 

Using light and airborne units for this bullshit border policing is a complete waste of quick-reaction force elements as well as a dumb idea in general; paratroops, especially, are trained to be aggressive and active - that doesn't make good "peacekeepers". 

The 325th Infantry's trigger-happy "riot control" played a big part in the Fallujah Rising, and the Parachute Regiment was the Bad Guy of Bloody Sunday.

We tend to think of the whole "posse comitatus" prohibition as a civil liberty issue. But there's a good military reason for keeping soldiers out of civil law enforcement; it's better for the soldiers, too.

When Tubby did this before the GIs had a very bad time of it. It was simultaneously stressful and boring as fuck, so the guys did what bored, stressed GIs do; they got in trouble.

I see no reason that this nonsense will work better the second time. All the underlying economic, social, and geopolitical conditions haven't changed.

But this isn't really about geopolitics, or economics. It's about stoking the rage-fire of the MAGAts, which are the only "Americans" this President gives a shit about. For him if it's stupid but it does that? It's not "stupid".

Which is a seriously fucked up way to govern, but, well, Trump.

Which reminds us that the guy is really, really, REALLY stupid. Here's a glittering assortment of the stupid just from the one WaPo story fragment in the linked article:

1. Tubby thinks Spain is a BRICS nation.
2. He has no idea what percent of its GDP his own country spends on its military (it's about 3%) but,
3. He insists that the other NATO members spend 5% on theirs...
(FYI, of the top 15 spenders only four spend more than 5% - Ukraine [37%], Saudi [7%], Russia [~8%], and, weirdly, Algeria [8%] - and a cluster of three spent around five: Oman [5.4], Israel [5%], Kuwait [4.9%]. NObody spends more than about 2-4% outside of nations at war and oil sheikdoms...)
4. He announced a "...$500 billion joint venture regarding artificial intelligence." which was either a lie or just confusion; there's no funding for it or anything like it, and
5. He admitted he had no clue who he'd pardoned for January Treason.

So we're going to get it good and hard no JUST from greed and bile, Fatso's usual go-tos, but from pure fatheaded ignorance and stupidity.

Fuck but that's irritating.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Empire of Fools

Day 2 of Trump 2: Revenge Boogaloo! and Tubby the Stable Genetic Engineering Genius has determined that there are two and only two human genders... by executive order the incredibly weird, complicated diversity of the human genome can…ummm...just stop being weird, diverse, and complicated and start being...ummm...what a bunch of ignorant bigoted MAGAts want it to be. 

Day Fucking 2. 


We’ve got something like another thousand days of stupid shit like just this.

At LEAST this stupid. 

Let's not even start on tariffs.

This, perhaps more than anything, more that the racism, more than the bigotry, more than the oligarchy, more than the hatred, more than all the other vile, shitty things that Republicans want and are, is what's so infuriating about my second go-around of MAGAt rule.

It's the stupid, stupid.

These people want - and what my own crowd didn't loathe and fear enough to show up to stop - incredibly simpleminded "solutions" to complex, difficult problems. 

They want, let's be blunt, stupid things.

No, tossing out immigrants of all varieties isn't going to "solve" anything. Not low wages. Not high prices. Not the increasing enshittification of American life.

Immigration, transgender people, "DEI", "wokeness" aren't the reasons America isn't Great for you and the other non-plutocrat Americans. 

Income inequality and poorly written tax codes and other laws, corporate greed and monopoly power, and regulatory capture are.

Immigrants aren't the reason your health care sucks; greedy insurance companies and greedy medical providers and wealthy people and corporations and poorly written laws and tax codes are.

Immigrants aren't the reasons your rent is so expensive; greedy landlords and NIMBY neighbors and poorly written zoning and development codes are.

Transgender people aren't the reason your kids are struggling; greedy college administrators and poorly written financial aid codes and corporate degree-gatekeeping are.

All these and more problems are extremely complex and difficult because We, the People, have allowed these problems to burrow deep within our already-flawed governmental systems. 

We've sat on our asses, most of us, fiddling with silly nonsense about Drag Queen Storytime and Bud Light ads whilst the wealthy and powerful whose primacy was written into the foundational documents regained all the power they'd lost (and more!) since the last time they shit the national bed in 1929.

The bottom line, as any Roman of the late Republic could warn you, is that you can have great disparity of wealth or a republic.

But not both.

And the simpleminded, in their search for a "simple" solution to this complex problem, have chosen the worst possible "simple" solution:

Just fucking elect the greedy fucking plutocrat and by inference all his greedy billionaire buddies.

Jesus wept.

I honestly don't have any idea how you fix this. There's even a saying: "You can't fix stupid." 

How do you show someone who doesn't believe that pouring literally billions of tons of things like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can raise global climatic warmth? How do you convince someone who thinks that China pays tariffs on Chinese exports that something like "health insurance" is nothing but a greedy middleman that helps increase medical costs while adding nothing of value? How do you prove to someone who thinks the President dictates the price of eggs that supply problems related to avian flu are the reason for the high price of eggs?

"Solving" all these things would require incredible knowledge, hard work, and patience to understand, and incredible levels of effort to deal with, especially given that the people and organizations that profit from stuff like corporate and personal profits will fight like ten thousand devils against you.

Instead, well, how about going for the con man who tells you that trade wars are fun and easy to win? That your relationship problems are because uppity bitches? That your egg prices are because you have to press "one" for English?

Is that fucking stupid?

Of COURSE it is!

But it's simpler and easier that putting in the hard work of self-governance.

So here we are.

I have no idea where this will end up. And given my neurological problem, whether I'll even be alive to know.

But from here?

It doesn't look promising.

To be ruled by competent evil is appalling.

But to be ruled by stupid fools..?

Monday, January 20, 2025

A Gentle Reminder...

...that crowning a clown doesn't make them noble.

It just makes the throne the driver's seat in the clown car.

To make this a perfectly shitty year, I saw the neurologist last Tuesday.

It's Parkinson's.

So I'm on borrowed time. My great hope is to borrow enough time to outlive this shitheel in order to sneak into Mar-a-Lago and piss on his grave. 

I have no words, no profanities strong enough for my supposed-fellow-Americans, both those who voted for the bozo, and those who just didn't show up to vote against it.

We're gonna get it good and hard.

Today is a reminder that the "arc of history" is bullshit. "History", if it means anything, is an endless, remorseless grind of fighting people like these MAGAts, fighting their idiotic simpleminded "solutions" to complex problems, fighting their childish insistence that there was a former time of "greatness" that can be recalled if enough of the "wrong" people are exterminated. 

This past year We, the People just couldn't be arsed to do that, so here we are.

I've seldom been more ashamed of being an American than I am today.