Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Formula

 Over at Nancy Nall's joint she complains:

"You guys, I am shocked this story hasn’t gotten more attention from the prestige media. It’s based on a government report, not “sources.” The revelations – that the White House has its own pharmacy, and under Trump, it handed out prescription meds like Smarties on Halloween – are startling. And yet, it seems to have bloomed and withered in one news cycle, and what stories were written concentrated on the cost, mainly of the use of name-brand drugs when generic equivalents were available."

To which my immediate thought was:

Dunno about everyone else, but..."this would surprise you…why?”

Anyone who had been paying attention to Tubby since his Eighties Manhattan heyday knew the guy is a moral shithouse, the reeking one-holer of ethical sewage. So assuming the WH has a dispensary, and knowing how a dispensary run by this human smegma would be run…what ELSE would you expect?

It’s the same way so many other articles about the orange chancre seem incredulous about his lying, or cheating, or petty viciousness, or stupidity…and my response is you’re gobsmacked by this…why? It's not like this is some sort of Scooby-doo mystery. It's all right in front of you.

Look. He’s a garbage human. As such he is surrounded by the sort of people who think “Yes! I WANT that!” So of course this. And the corruption. And the theft of documents and WH gifts. And the racism and sexism and plutocratic…

I guess that's the only thing I don't get; that given how obvious all this Republican QANut fuckery is, how does any sentient human not see it?

The culties do and that's why they love it. But anyone not in the cult should be horrified and furious about it. we are. WASF.


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