I don't mean your casual idiocy, the sort of thing that you drive by every so often when you're mentally joyriding and look over before moving on. I mean your truly, deeply, invasively moronic dumbfuckery. Genuinely weapons-grade stupid? The kind of complete-lack-of-electrical-brain-function thing that gets people maimed, or killed, that topples governments, that ends up with things exploding, or burning down, with people in full body casts or tipped into a shallow pit along with a Folger's tin full of gasoline and a lit cigarette?
Remember how - since you're here reading this, obviously - you gave this dumbass thought some consideration, weighing the potential enjoyment of whatever goofy thing you would have tried to do against the nearly dead solid certainty that doing it would unerringly, inevitably, as-directly-as-a-pup-to-its-dinner-consequently end up with you in some sort of mental, physical, emotional, and moral shithole?
And how you then either a) chose not to even try it or b) modified the actual act so as to reduce the odds of becoming a Darwin Award nominee, or c) actually tried it but managed through some incredible combination of pure dumb luck, timing, the intervention of a kindly God, and possibly fast reflexes survived?
Assuming you took options a) through c) you are still more intelligent and better adapted to human existence than the Republican Party of the United States and the vast majority of its minions, apparatchiks, hangers-on, bootlickers, and enablers who consider themselves things like "libertarian" or "independent" but still reliably vote Republican when the drapes to the election booth close.
Because, really...what the hell has the GOP produced, intellectually or physically, since 1865 that has been worth a half-dram of warm spit?
The last time any Republican president made any sort of sense was back in Eisenhower's time. And the breed that the Party of God has been producing since Nixon's time makes the droolingly inbred spawn of Mitteleuropean minor nobility look like the result of crossbreeding of Albert Einstein and Marie Curie.
Honestly. Try and think about the last time a Republican - elected official or candidate - proposed or supported an idea that was genuinely beneficial to the average U.S. working man or woman. Go ahead. I'll wait.
Hard to come up with even one, innit?
And yet, like the sort of gopher-brain-quality stupid we started talking about, the sheer volume and appalling stench of the Himalayan mountain-chain of ignorant crap the GOP has either formulated or recommended is childishly easy to bring to mind. It's like most of the crap that comes out of Michelle Bachman's brain is as sensible as playing tackle football in your undies.
I mean, really...it makes you wonder.
And I'm not talking about the REALLY whack stuff, the Glenn-Beck, Pawlenty-Google-Test sort of idea or pretty much anything Rand Paul or his kid say. That's just the endpoint, the feces-scrawl of the ones in the canvas sportjackets with the wraparound sleeves that are kept safely locked away most of the time. The sort of Terri Schaivo-God-guns-and-gays shinola the GOP uses like the Amazing Kreskin uses a shiny object to keep the
That stuff is just the by-the-by sort of bullstuff that any good con man uses to keep the mark from noticing that the "weather seal" he's paying hundreds of dollars for the crew to put down on his driveway is really nothing but used motor oil that will run into his gutter the next time it rains.
That stuff is just there to keep the truly ignorant - the "Reagan Democrats", the feeble-minded scions of bible-bangers and white-flight suburbanites - from seeing the Big Con that's busting their unions, raping their health insurance, cramming down their wages while shipping their blue-collar jobs to Singafuckingpore.
That's just a bagatelle.
Nope. I'm talking about the "legitimate", mainstream planks of the generic Republican platform.
Foreign policy based on ignorant fear, propaganda, estimates of intent rather than capabilities, hubris, wishful thinking, and somebody's grade-school memories of British imperial justifications.

But hey, Bob Dole says the Mittens LOOKS like a President! So it must be ok, right?
Thanks for the rant....I find it almost impossible to write coherently about this shit anymore, because yeah....about as good as a cats ass tatt on one's naval.
You know, if I could be 18 again I know now how to make myself a millionaire. Setup a business removing truly embarrassing tattoos. Based on the number of Twilight tats seen via the interwebs, I'd be rolling in the dough for the next couple of decades.
As for stupidity, look no further than the number of idjits planning on fleeing the US for Canada due to Obamacare: http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/people-moving-to-canada-because-of-obamacare
Canada. With our socialized medicine. Idiots.
I've got the same problem, Labrys - it's hard to write about this because of the massive crater of stupid that it involves. I end up sputtering and red-faced with fury, wishing that about a third of my fellow Americans had a single neck so I could choke the shit out of it.
But every so often I have to write one of these to blow off steam.
Leon: The sad truth is that if you're stupid enough to get one of these awful tats you're too stupid to make enough money to pay a decent price to get it abraded...
Much of what you call stupid is really within behavioral norms of those people's societies. These norms are strongly influenced by propaganda (of various sorts, advertising really does work).
Your rants provide a valuable antidote, giving people a chance to stop and think. Good work!
Alas, I wish more people read for pleasure.
"The sort of Terri Schaivo-God-guns-and-gays shinola the GOP uses like the Amazing Kreskin uses a shiny object to keep the rubes morons Teabaggers nodding in unison" --
Just a beautiful encapsulation, speaking from the land of Terri Schaivo. The land of lovers of the brain-dead, who think allowing someone to die a natural death is akin to a "death Panel", those who belt out their hymnal tunes about "nearer my God to thee" but as scared as all get out to actual face their day of reckoning.
Maybe the jig's up and they know there is nothing better awaiting them, and they've no idea how to improve this world which frightens them so.
(It would be so brilliant if you could get one of the bevy of Republican sites out there to post your heretical blog as a "target". Claim it came to you during a bout of brain fever. At least it would get them thinking.)
"but are scared as all get out to actually face their day of reckoning."
...must edit b/f transmitting ... .
Ael: True. The Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate, and the People's Temple were, too. And they were about as useful as these fucktards. Damn waste of perfectly good Soylent Green, but otherwise a sort of vacuuming the shallow end of the gene pool.
Lisa: I get no pleasure out of shouting at these ignorant bastards. Their arrant folly is going to help impoverish and degrade all our lives except those lucky enough to be born to the purple or at least purple enough to afford their own doctors, policemen and trash pickup. It's just pure frustration.
It is arrogant, ignorant folly -- people choose a position, then find or twist some data to support it. You're either with us, or agin us.
I live amongst it ... if you can sense this tragic stupidity from Portland, then I know it has reached far.
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