Wednesday, April 08, 2020

United Failed State(s)

The Republican Party no longer even pretends to adhere to, or even respect, republican principles.

It's increasingly clear that:
1) The current GOP - aside from being a fairly open cult of Trumpism - has absolutely no interest in anything but holding on to it's power to further its plutocratic and theocratic and neoimperial creed.
2) The actual demographics suggest that fewer than about 40% of the people in the United States want that.
3) Therefore the GOP must depend on destroying actual republican governance and the means and methods of popular voting.
4) If one faction will not accept political defeat and go into opposition (actual opposition, instead of simply destroying the functions of governance if those functions will not produce the results the opposition wants) then the political mechanism of a republic is broken.
5) Therefore the United States is effectively no longer a functioning republic.
6) And yet, it is not officially something else; it exists in a sort of free-fall, with the notional trappings of republicanism intact but nonfunctional. With no actual working replacement for this nullity the statutory "government" of the United States is not, in fact, "governing" in any way other than as a gimmick to benefit the predatory minority.
7) That is the definition of a failed state.
I cannot imagine anything more depressing than that, other than it's happening in the Plague Year. Which is, in turn, exposing every one of the most vicious aspects of the GOP Project.

And the solution?

How do you reject something that's adored by four of ten of your countrymen? How does that not break the nation?

We are, in fact, in the midst of a Cold Civil War.

And there is no solution...other than even worse options, like turning it into a HOT Civil War...other than reaching some sort of compromise that both sides can live with.

But how do you "compromise" with a faction that will destroy the social, political, and economic fabric of a nation rather than give up low tax rates for the Kardashians, be willing to listen to Drag Queen Story Hour, consider the possibility that someone, somewhere, for some reason may terminate a pregnancy, or accept a national co-existence with the refugee cleaning their swimming pool or the immigrant cleaning chicken at poverty wages?

How do you "compromise" with someone that considers your ideas and ideals not just undesirable but unacceptably toxic and treasonous?

Tell me.


Update 4/10: It's worth noting here that in Wisconsin the "republic" canary just plummeted headfirst off its perch. Despite the fact that something like 60% of the subjects citizens voted some sort of blue the gerrymandering and court-lock ensure that the red faction is now the ruler of America's Dairyland, and the SCOTUS is juuuuust fine with that.

I know it's hard for the Damn U.S. Public to wrap its head around the reality that about two-fifths of their neighbors want a hard-right dictatorship...but that's what they want.

This isn't simple, like the first Civil War was, simply because it's not geographic. The Confederates aren't all bunched up in the southeastern part of the continent. They're all over; here in ORegon they're out in Clackamas County and down outside of Burns. They're scattered about in the hustings of the Tualatin Valley.

There's no way to "win" that war.

And yet...the alternative is to let this band of red-capped jackals devour the Republic to slake their appetite for tax cuts and knuckling the liberals.

And I see no way out other than bloody-handed war.

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