Saturday, October 29, 2022

Our little domestic fascist problem, condensed.

Here’s the thing.

The U.S. right has largely been captured by ideological nutbars. 

QANuts, anti-vaxxers, gunhumpers, OathKeeperProudBoyThreepers. 


Lunatics whose purpose is to undo the 20th Century.

The problems with that are that 1) the "mainstream" news - that is, every information source outside the outright wingnut infostream - won’t even hint at that, and 2) even if they did…

...what can sane people do about that?

Ever tried to “debate” one of these conspiracy theorist loons or just a garden-variety nutter? 

It’s impossible. 

They’re not going to concede the argument, and if you “beat” them (through balloting or such) they’ll just lose their shit and start biting you. 

They're nuts. That's the point.


You can’t fucking run a republic like that. 


What DO we do?

I don’t know. 

Or, rather, I do…

...but then it presents the issue of "...what do you do with the corpses?".

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