My little sis called me today. Left a voicemail about TrumpFuckery, and in particular mentioned Ukraine.
I just didn't feel like spending half an hour moaning and pissing about all that, so I wrote her this email:
"The reality is that we’re screwed for at LEAST the next two
years, and that assumes that these fucksticks’ idiot rampage fucks
things up bad enough that even the idiot public gets pissed enough to
vote Democratic. Which is far from a given; it’s just as likely that
there’s a third party nonsense (which means the GOP wins) or they just
don’t vote at all (…so GOP wins…).
The Trumpenscum has it all; all three branches, the press licking
their taint…all we can do is try and delay and go to court - and that’s a
weak reed given the SCOTUS Furious Five - or the streets, and that’s
both risky and dangerous, because Fatso WILL invoke the Insurrection Act
and become a Fuhrer in fact as opposed to in practice.
So everything and everyone we non-scum humans care about - parks, public spaces
in general, social safety nets, modern medicine..? All we will have is
what they don’t want or just don't want to trash because they’re fucking trash
people who are stealing perfectly good oxygen and that's what fucking oxygen-thieves do.
Ukraine? Fuck. If the EU doesn’t step up they’re doomed. Palestine?
Doomed. Taiwan? If Xi is willing to pay off Fatso? Doomed.
I’ll see if I can find the link, but Amanda Marcotte has a piece
interviewing someone who’s deep-dived into the wingnut bible-bangers. (It's here).
The bottom line? It’s a cult, they’re fanatics, and there’s no reaching
them; it’s culture war as ACTUAL war. There’s no going back any more
than there was for the Hitler Youth dying in the streets of Berlin or
the kamikaze taking off from Kyushu in August 1945.
I’m not exaggerating; we cannot “beat” these people using democracy. They see that as race and religious suicide. They must be destroyed…and that means real, actual, no-shit Civil War. And I don’t see “our side” as ready and willing to do that. I don’t blame them! That’s horrendous!
But that’s where we are.
I'm reminded of the passage in Tolkien where Frodo is pissing and
moaning about how fucked it is that this whole “ring” shit has to happen
on HIS watch.
Gandalf replies, no shit, Sherlock, really? Word up Frodo, he says; that’s what EVERYONE in this
situation thinks. It sucks. It just sucks.
But it is what it is and all you and I and
everyone else can do is suck it up.
And so we do.
I'm not saying "Stop fighting". Even if you're doomed to lose, you have to fight. Even if it means you die, if what you're fighting for is worth it, you fight - and die - as hard as you can. Every Nazi you kill in Poland before you die is one Nazi that can't invade France, can't invade Russia, can't defend Normandy or Italy or Berlin.
But that doesn't make the dying any easier.
As we used to say over at Intel Dump:
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