Forces Engaged:
Egyptian Mamluk: roughly 20,000 under the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt, Saif addin Qutuz. One of Qutuz' subordinates was the mamluk al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baybars al-Bunduqdari or "Baibars", whom we will hear more of later.
Mongol: Either one or two tumens; between 10,000 and 20,000 horsemen under Kitbuqa Noyan, Turkish Christian and lieutenant of Hulagu Khan.

The Mongol Empire is one of the amazing stories of Eurasian history.
From a band of horse nomads in the 12th Century the Mongols literally burst out of Asia in two generations.
Ghenghis Khan led the horsemen west after 1218 until his death in 1229; by 1240 his son Ogedai's forces were hammering on Poland and eastern Germany and were poised to push into southwest Asia and destroy the Abbasid Caliphate.
No contemporary army had found either the tactical solution to the Mongol combination of mounted archery and mobile heavy cavalry or an answer to the Mongol operational art, a modernist combination of highly mobile war and outstanding command and control. Long before Napoleon the Mongols perfected the art of moving along separate axes to a central position for battle.
The descent of the "Tartars" must have seemed like a 13th Century slasher flick to the Europeans; sudden, bloody and supernaturally unstoppable. The little horsemen from central Asia must have been the Michael Myers of Kievan Rus: popping up put of nowhere to slash your throat, and nothing and no one could stop them. The flower of mittleeuropean chivalry tried to halt Subutai's invasion of the central European plain and were brutally defeated at the battles of Sajo River and Leignitz

that left what is today's Hungary, Poland and eastern Germany helpless against Mongol invasion.
And then Great Khan Ogedai died.
The Mongol tumans turned back into the steppes to raise a new great Khan. The next twenty years were marked by a succession of relatively strong but short-lived Khakhans that affected the political stability of the Mongol Empire if not the military skill. The northwestern border stabilized while major advances were effected in southwest Asia. Mongol forces under Hulagu overran Persian and much of the northeast edge of the Black Sea in the 1250's. Baghdad fell in 1258 and the Abbasid Caliphate was destroyed. The next year Hulagu pushed in Syria, with the eventual goal of the rich delta of the Nile. Waiting there were a new breed of Muslim soldier: the Mamluks.

The Mamluk system was originally designed by the Abbasid caliphs of Baghdad - trust Iraqis to come up with something simultaneously clever and dangerous - to replace an older slave-soldier setup (the "Ghulam") that had proved a trifle difficult when the Turkish POWs of the Ghulam whacked four caliphs in a row in the 9th Century.
The new organization was staffed by captured children, often from the Caucasus or Kipchak Turkey, raised as soldiers and loyal retainers of the Islamic least that was the plan. Four hundred years later the Mamluks, given their monopoly on disciplined military force, were vying for power in several Islamic states. They got in in Egypt in 1250 through a complex and murderous scheme that involved marriage, assassination and drowning in a bathtub. The Egyptian Mamluks were a fun, if lethal, bunch of folks.

and diced up his 15,000 Crusaders at the Battle of Fariskur.
This battle predates the Further Adventures of the Mamluk Guys, but I hope I'm not giving anything away if I tell you that the ended up driving the Mongols out of Syria, crushing the last remnants of the Crusader state and even resisting the Ottomans for a while longer than most. Tough bastards.
But the main point here is that by 1259 they were ready to meet the Mongols head-on.
The Campaign: Key to the Ain Jalut campaign was a dead guy: Mongke, former Great Khan of the Mongol Empire and surprised corpse in August, 1259; either shot by a Song archer, smooshed by a trebuchet projectile (my personal favorite: I have this Wile E. Coyote image of the shadow growing as Mongke looks up and has just time to mutter the Mongol equivalent of "What the..?" before the Acme Trebuchet Stone reduces him to road pizza) or possibly cholera or dengue fever or...

The Sources: We have only one source for infomation about Ain Jalut: Jami'u't-tawarikh, the "Compendium of Chronicles". This history was comissioned near the turn of the 13th Century by Khan Ghazan, the Mongol ruler of what was known as the Ilkhanate, the brief-lived Mongol principate which encompassed most of what is today the central Middle East and Turkey.

The Engagement: Here's how the Compendium describes Ain Jalut:
"Quduz stationed his troops in ambush and, himself mounted with a few others, stood waiting. He clashed with Kitbuqa and his several thousand cavalry, all experienced warriors, at Ayn Jalut. The Mongols attacked, raining down arrows, and Quduz pulled a feint and started to withdraw. Emboldened, the Mongols lit out after him, killing many of the Egyptians, but when they came to the ambush spot, the trap was sprung from three sides. A bloody battled ensued, lasting from dawn till midday. The Mongols were powerless to resist, and in the end they were put to flight."
Plain enough, and consistent with steppe warfare of the day: the forces engage, the Mamluks feign flight, draw the Mongols into the kill zone and then close the kill sack. Qutuz seems to have used the terrain of the valley of Ain Jalut cleverly to conceal his ambush force.

The other rather surprising aspect of this battle is that Kitbuqa, no fool and an experienced Mongol officer, would have fallen into the old "feigned flight and ambush" trap. We are told by Rashid elsewhere, though, that he was "hot-tempered" and had lost a grandson to the forces of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem that had caused him to take and sack the city of Sidon. Perhaps he was overconfident, or made the un-Mongol mistake of getting too close to the actual fighting and lost control of the tactical situation.
Whatever he cause, he certainly paid for it. The Compendium continues:
"Kibuqa Noyan kept attacking left and right with all zeal. Some encouraged him to flee, but he refused to listen and said, "Death is inevitable. It is better to die with a good name than to flee in disgrace. In the end, someone from this army, old or young, will reach the court and report that Kitbuqa, not wanting to return in shame, gave his life in battle." (However his horse is brought down and he is captured by the Mamluks)We have no real idea of the losses on both sides. The entire Mongol tumen(s) was destroyed; probably 80-90% of the 20,000-some Mongols were killed. Mamluk losses were described as "heavy", suggesting that several thousand men were killed, probably in the initial Mongol penetration and pursuit.
Near the battlefield was a reed bed in which a troop of Mongol cavalrymen was hiding. Quduz ordered fire thrown into it, and they were all burned alive. After that, Kitbuqa was taken before Quduz with his hands bound.
"Despicable man," said Quduz, "you have shed so much blood wrongfully, ended the lives of champions and dignitaries with false assurances, and overthrown ancient dynasties with broken promises. Now you have finally fallen into a snare yourself.""If I am killed by your hand," said Kitbuqa, "I consider it to be God's act, not yours. Be not deceived by this event for one moment, for when the news of my death reaches Hulagu Khan, the ocean of his wrath will boil over, and from Azerbaijan to the gates of Egypt will quake with the hooves of Mongol horses. They will take the sands of Egypt from there in their horses' nose bags. Hulagu Khan has three hundred thousand renowned horsemen like Ket Buqa. You may take one of them away."
Quduz order his head severed from his body."

Outcome: Complete tactical Mamluk victory; part of strategic Mamluk success (with Homs and several other Mongol defeats in the 1260s) in pushing Mongol Ilkhanate back to the northeast out of Syria and the Palestinian Levant.
Impact: While relatively minor in itself, the real implications of Ain Jalut came later, when Hulagu was unable (because of intercene warfare between the Ilkhanate and the delightfully named "Golden Horde", carefully fomented by the Islamic powers of Egypt and the Gulf region) to avenge the defeat. In fact, the three tumans he despatched were decisively beaten by our treacherous friend Baibars at the First Battle of Homs, the two defeats between them costing the Ilhanate most of what is today Syria.
In particular, Ain Jalut was the "high water mark" of the Mongol period. Before Ain Jalut the khanates were pushing out everywhere in the Middle East and Europe. Afterwards, the empire disintegrated into competing khanates that were unable to keep up politically or militarily with a risingly vigorous and expansive Europe. The battle did not accomplish this as much as it signalled the end of the "Mongol Era" in European history.

I always thought that the mongols got a bad rap. By enabling transcontinental trade routes they were largely responsible for the huge exchange in ideas which kick started the renaissance. Marco Polo was not an isolated case!
It's too bad that the black death was also able to utilize these trade routes and shut things down for a few more centuries.
i always thought it an interesting parallel that the elite castes of "slave soldiers" the roman praetorians, the immortals of the persians, the mamluks, the janiesseries of the ottoman, always seem to finish their terms by turning on the empire that created and deployed them.
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"Within another four hundred years the descendents of these "hand cannon" would prove the first effective solution to the steppe nomad combination of pony and compound bow."
Well, I think that the apex of the horse-bowman, which imo was refined to an art by the Japanese was replaced by the European Dragoons, but the tactics employed by the mongols are still being used today. Well, except for that bit about killing everyone who wouldn't surrender...oh wait.
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allowed the English cavalry men to bust up pike formations, and to run down fleeing footmen...and along with the back sword was a formidable opponent on horseback.
And if we go come closer to the modern age, the US Army cavalrymen, a advanced version of the Civil War cavalry men, kept the spirit of mounted attack going, employing many of the tactics used by the mongol bowmen.
Today, our "mounted" troops are the air-cav. and though they don't employ horses or bows, they still use the same your opponent, and pour on the hurt because what the mongols proved with their tactic was that a moving attacker makes a very poor target for a static defender.
ael: I always liked to note that while the Europeans liked to slag off on the "Tartars", Europe during Mongol times was like the worst 'hood in the Bronx; just moving from one place to another was risky, what with the general lawlessness on top of the rapacity of the feudal straphangers. Meanwhile, in the Mongol Empire it was said that a virgin could walk with a bag of gold unafraid from one end of Genghis' domains to the other.
MB: Only in the mercenary sense. I'm not worried about Blackwater doing a mamluk or praetorian nearly as much as I am worried about the Elmer Gantry who will arrive "wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross". The U.S. public has gotten about that wretchedly stupid and gullible.
Sheerah: The armored tank and, now, the attack helicopter, have helped restore the horseman to a degree. But after the firearm grew up Europe (and Asia) went through a period from about 1550 to 1918 where the horseman became a support arm of the infantryman and the artillery. Those dashing charges were the softening up, the screen, the diversion or the pursuit. It was the advance of the musketeer and the gunner that became the Queen's Move of European warfare; cavalry could take ground or screen it, but to hold it required infantrymen and artillerymen.
The tank changed a lot of that back to where the armored cav can legitimately be styled the
Mongols of our day.
by the civil war, there were already some of the more visionary mounted commanders like buford, crook, and miles came to the realization that mounted infantry, quickly mobile, but also able to dig in quickly was capable of both taking and holding ground.
buford, using breech loading spencers, arrived on seminary ridge at gettysburg in time to dig in and hold the high ground despite the full attack in division strength by a.p. hill. as much as any commander on the field it was buford with his "light horse infantry" that saved that first day, and possibly the battle and the union.
crook got his vision of what mounted infantry could do from his white mountain apache scouts. the apache were famous for lightning stikes, but while the traveling and deployments were done on horseback, the fighting was almost always done on foot. crook's ability to move quickly, deploy for a stand, then move quickly again saved mcClellan's ass more than once by establishing a fast moving, hard fighting rear guard.
the use of mounted infantry remained something that was valuable to maneuver warfare all the way through ww1. the aussie light horse was well recognised as a scourge in the deserts of the crumbling ottoman empire.
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